What's the difference between a good grower and a great one?


Well-Known Member
It seems like the only difference between a good grower and a great one is how patient they are for the final product. Everything else is about keeping your plant healthy and how you go about doing it. What's the difference to you?


Well-Known Member
Why do I always hear the different lights always being an argument? Is indoor better than outdoor? Is hydro better than soil? What sets these grower apart and why are there so many different ways? Is chemical better than organic? If I were to start a professional setup, what would be the most recomended for the HIGHEST QUALITY marijuana?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Organic soil with organic nutes. Not the fastest and highest yielding approach but it tastes and overall quality is amazing.

It's really comes down to experience.


Well-Known Member
A great grower takes care of his/her resources. They tend to the land and leave it in better shape then when they entered.


Well-Known Member
How is an experienced grower buds going to turn out any better than mine? Just because they have grown before doesn't make them or the weed any better.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
It's does if they can spot plants when they are sick and know how to properly handle pests and they might trim faster and have different learned cure methods. What are the differences between a Ferrari and a Toyota? They both get you to where you wanna go right?


Well-Known Member
So none of the growing techniques are better than the other. Why waste time and money then if it's just the same? So hydro under 1200w isn't better than soil under the sun, why do it that way then?


Well-Known Member
I ask because I want to learn. I know farming and organics and this is my first shot at growing. My guy started his grow the same time but he's doing an indoor grow under 400w and has every chemical in the book. He spent a shitload of cash on his gear and his partner grew for 7 years but when he showed me his grow it was pathetic. I know I've learned a lot here but can't figure out the differences in the final product from all the different grow styles and how I can achieve the highest quality product. Can anyone take bagseed and turn it into the best smoke they've ever had just by knowing what they're doing or learning how to do it right?


Well-Known Member
Let's say money wasn't an issue and I wanted to grow the highest quality smoke possible. Aside from getting either good seeds or clones, what grow style would get me where I want to be? I'm not trying to grow for any more than personal and probably not anymore than 2 plants at a time so please keep that in mind. I have an unlimited amount of space and resources available to me and more than enough time to check on them regularly. Will having them in the ground always be best if weather is permitting?


New Member
as you get better the amount of effort you must give gets less and less. you find better ways of doing shit, and can predict the next logical feeding/ how much ph juice to use so you only need to check it once, and if something is wrong you know how to handle it


Well-Known Member
Now I'm being told things even the most novice of grower would know. I still have unanswered questions, thought a forum about growing would be helpful. Please don't be dicks, I am actually trying to learn something through my time on here.


Well-Known Member
Who's being a dick?

There is no magic method to make someone a good grower. Just like everything else in life it just takes time, experience and patience.


Well-Known Member
hope you weren't saiyn gthat to my comment.

I swear my comment will make you be a better grower ;).

what's so bad about love of the plant? how would that NOT make you a better grower?


Well-Known Member
I can understand that but I'm asking for specifics on how to acheive the best grow and I keep getting the simplest of answers.


Active Member
what makes a superb grower from a good grower? from my experience....
Dedication; good growers check their plants at least twice a day, knowing your plants will educate you to be more aware of potential nutrient complications and pests, mutations and problems.with experience , complications can be easily spotted and swiflty dealt to minimise damage to plants, sickly plants take longer to grow , more money in electricity and won't yeild as well> superb growers cure all ill plants at the initial stages and save money.
Grow Journal; keeping a grow journal and mapping out the whole life of the plants allows growers to keep on top of work, write down any nutrient complications, rate of growth, appearance and feeding schedule ext, the you can pin-point how any complications developed and how you healed the plant. Every different strain need slightly different nutrients, for example on my last grow i noticed that my flying dutchmen Pot of gold needed twice the amount magnesium than my dinafem white/blue widows.for nutrients in particular , a grow journal will help you track the exact nutrients you have given each plant.
Stress; minimise all stress given to your plants!!!! tugging on leaves, picking your plants up for watering, strenuously bending stalks, nutrient problems, high/cold temps, cold drenched soil that suffocates roots and inhibits nutrient uptake, hot soil, light cycle changes, re-veging, ext. remember that mj plants in a natural environment produce tens of times more than themselves for the specific reason that the strongest survive, only a few will prove themselves to be hardy enough to breed again but in a pack of ten seeds, there no point in stressing and damaging your plants in the hope that it will make them stronger, it won't, it will just stunt their growth.
Love ; people that actually enjoy growing are always going to be the best growers , they will seek out new knowlege to improve their skills and dedicate themselves more easily. I find naming my plants helps.
a superb grower has a wide, varied knowlege base and understands botany as mj plants grow almost the same way to many others. In essence its the perfect equilibrium of the elements plants need to flourish such as nutrients, light, co2..ect that make a superb grower. The one mind set you cant fall into is the mysterious one trick solution. There is NO magical technique that will produce maximum yield such as super cropping, re-vegging, pruning...ect.


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Let's say money wasn't an issue and I wanted to grow the highest quality smoke possible. Aside from getting either good seeds or clones, what grow style would get me where I want to be? I'm not trying to grow for any more than personal and probably not anymore than 2 plants at a time so please keep that in mind. I have an unlimited amount of space and resources available to me and more than enough time to check on them regularly. Will having them in the ground always be best if weather is permitting?

Ok, ok princess chill. Let me get my spoon....now open up...*zoom**zoom**pshsshshhsh*....you ready? Here it comes...

First of don't come in here EXPECTING ANY FUCKING ADVICE YOU FUCK! We are not your parents...get a fucking book...go to google. Do some fucking back work and stop acting like "this grow site" is supposed to answer all your fucking wants and needs. Oh did you realize that we have AN ACTUAL GROWING FORUM!?!?! Or were you to busy being an asshole? To go "oh hey...I am in the wrong forum to begin with...why am I asking grow questions in the bullshit forum in the first place?" Of course not...you were to busy being a child.

Now that I took care of that...I think I will answer your question with as little detail as possible. Because you lack the ability to comprehend the simplest of things...

1. 2 plants? Step your game up. Breaking the law is breaking the law. Your getting fucked just as hard with 2 plants as you are with 4 or 6...and with space unlimited why not?
2. I still think I shouldn't be helping you
3. Hydroponics gives great yield and is a little faster then soil with good organic nutes it can be great. Organic soil with good organic methods and nutes is best. In My Opinion.
4. In Soil try a sea of green or a screen of green method. You can figure it out on your own. Stop being so helpless and use google or a book store if you don't know how to achieve these methods.
5. You should do it indoors. Outdoor season was in april sir....you're not gonna have anything to harvest come the colder months...unless you are in somewhere a little more tropical.

Again you need to fucking check yourself. We don't OWE you our knowledge...we earned it. Earns your's. Repetition is the father of learning. Dick.

Another EDIT: If you have unlimited resources then why haven't you bought a good grow bible yet? You can't even take the first step and acquire some knowledge before demanding help with your ridiculous VAGUE question?

You ask a question like you did here...you are going to get more symbolic, simple answers. You get opinions...oh snap!

You didn't ask us how to grow the best of the best dankest buds everz! omgzzz!!!

So when you generalize your already vague question (redundant?) and then once you do not receive such desired answers...you narrow it down to a less generalized vague, all over the place question, then call use the dicks...right.

Also...poplars knows his shit as do I....and you just alienated people who could have been a big help to you...shit you just alienated yourself from any grower that can help you. On here or in your real life...especially with an attitude like that.

what makes a superb grower from a good grower? from my experience....
Dedication; good growers check their plants at least twice a day, knowing your plants will educate you to be more aware of potential nutrient complications and pests, mutations and problems.with experience , complications can be easily spotted and swiflty dealt to minimise damage to plants, sickly plants take longer to grow , more money in electricity and won't yeild as well> superb growers cure all ill plants at the initial stages and save money.
Grow Journal; keeping a grow journal and mapping out the whole life of the plants allows growers to keep on top of work, write down any nutrient complications, rate of growth, appearance and feeding schedule ext, the you can pin-point how any complications developed and how you healed the plant. Every different strain need slightly different nutrients, for example on my last grow i noticed that my flying dutchmen Pot of gold needed twice the amount magnesium than my dinafem white/blue widows.for nutrients in particular , a grow journal will help you track the exact nutrients you have given each plant.
Stress; minimise all stress given to your plants!!!! tugging on leaves, picking your plants up for watering, strenuously bending stalks, nutrient problems, high/cold temps, cold drenched soil that suffocates roots and inhibits nutrient uptake, hot soil, light cycle changes, re-veging, ext. remember that mj plants in a natural environment produce tens of times more than themselves for the specific reason that the strongest survive, only a few will prove themselves to be hardy enough to breed again but in a pack of ten seeds, there no point in stressing and damaging your plants in the hope that it will make them stronger, it won't, it will just stunt their growth.
Love ; people that actually enjoy growing are always going to be the best growers , they will seek out new knowlege to improve their skills and dedicate themselves more easily. I find naming my plants helps.
a superb grower has a wide, varied knowlege base and understands botany as mj plants grow almost the same way to many others. In essence its the perfect equilibrium of the elements plants need to flourish such as nutrients, light, co2..ect that make a superb grower. The one mind set you cant fall into is the mysterious one trick solution. There is NO magical technique that will produce maximum yield such as super cropping, re-vegging, pruning...ect.

Nice 420th post! Congrats!