whats the problem?


hey dude if ur plant is really young like in the first 3 weeks of veg cycle, then i would suggest against nutes. If you do use nutes then cut it to 1/8 strength. I grow hydro and I do not introduce till the mid of the second week, at 1/8 strength. if your growing in soil then you probably went with some decent quality soil that is probably enriched with nutes or some organic magic that will last like three weeks before you need to "feed" your plant. A good way to correct your problem will be to flush your pot, meaning if your pot size is one gallon then you need to pour 3 gallons of fresh distilled ph balanced water through your pot, and then let it dry out to the point of feeling light when you pik it up. usually about 3 days for a young plant , then water with the 1/8 nutes and you should get back on track with in the week.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
my birth leaves have turned yellow now and my pot leaves are green and coming in.
the simple fact that you're using words like "birth leaves," and pot leaves," tells me you have absolutely no clue about what you're doing. before you waste any more time here, why don't you start reading some stickies! how do you plan on finishing this grow? do you want to be coming here 5x a day asking questions?


the simple fact that you're using words like "birth leaves," and pot leaves," tells me you have absolutely no clue about what you're doing. before you waste any more time here, why don't you start reading some stickies! how do you plan on finishing this grow? do you want to be coming here 5x a day asking questions?

this is the second time ive asked a question and i have read a couple of books but i dont have the practical experience, thats why its my first 420 chief. and ya im a newb askin questions in the newb forum