whats the problem?


Active Member

I am using promix BX with heavy 16 nutrient line, I feed once a week.
My lower fan leaves look necrotic and I think it is a phosphorous deficiency and opinions are appreciated thank you.


Active Member
yes i have been looking at those plant def. guides I just wanted an opinion from someone else if it is infact P Def? and what can i do to fix the problem and why do i have this problem while using heavy 16 nutrient line? I am on my second week into flower. I dont see why i should have this problem this early into flower.


Active Member
I fed last week with epson salt for Cal / Mag and have read you dont need cal/mag additives when using heavy 16 nutrient line.


Active Member
I fed last week with epson salt for Cal / Mag and have read you dont need cal/mag additives when using heavy 16 nutrient line.
Stop feeding it so much, make sure PH is correct, stop feeding it so much, wait for a few days, see what she looks like, then stop feeding it so much again.

I would suggest you don't have a deficiency by 'lack' of nutrient, but by trying to introduce so much she is trying to beg you to stop 'look what you are doing to me' she is saying.. maybe.. or something like that.

That is one guy's thought.. Good luck with her mate~!!!


Well-Known Member
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I am using promix BX with heavy 16 nutrient line, I feed once a week.
My lower fan leaves look necrotic and I think it is a phosphorous deficiency and opinions are appreciated thank you.
It looks like you have more than a def goin on...it looks like you have a nute lock out and are getin' ready to have a toxicity prob...Do you just "water" her? How old is she? How long has she been in that pot?...I would suggest a good flush with just PHed water and see how she does..(I PHed my flush at 6.0 and the runoff was still 6.7, at first, bottom line you want 6.5 +/- .1)


Active Member
Thank you for all the responses, I flushed the beginning of last week until my run off ppms were below 300 then fed them with ppm of 1200 with the addition of epson salt which i now have Cal/Mag on hand and will not be using epson salts anymore. I do not believe i am over feeding them, i am following the heavy 16 heavy feeding schedule. I feed once a week with pure water in between feedings. The plants are 2 weeks into flower they have been in 5 Gal. buckets for a month now. The nutrients are PH balanced and i have never adjusted PH, my tap water is PH neutral 7 and heavy 16 brings it down just a notch to were it should be. I am confused, I am introducing Orca, Cal/Mag, and Hi-Brix this week.


Active Member

  • " I do not believe i am over feeding them, i am following the heavy 16 heavy feeding schedule. I feed once a week with pure water in between feedings. "


    NEVER use full strength nutes.. let alone every week, let alone what size pot do you have that you have to water in between these weekly gorgings?

    The plant looks moisture stressed, it looks like it is being fed too much, and you say you are feeding it once a week full strength and watering 'in between'..

    My best guess is moisture stress, and you will continue to kill it if you introduce cal/mag hi brix into the fold BEFORE you get this issue fixed and let her recover a bit.

    She needs LESS not more.. she needs you to get her environment stable and for you to leave her alone and be a plant.. there is no magic potion there is no quick remedy.. the best thing to do is lay back on EVERYTHING you have been doing and leave her alone a few days.. you are stressing the stress..

    If I had to guess.. and I could be wrong.. God I have been wrong before.. (mostly about people, not plants.. *L*)



Active Member

  • " I do not believe i am over feeding them, i am following the heavy 16 heavy feeding schedule. I feed once a week with pure water in between feedings. "


    NEVER use full strength nutes.. let alone every week, let alone what size pot do you have that you have to water in between these weekly gorgings?

    The plant looks moisture stressed, it looks like it is being fed too much, and you say you are feeding it once a week full strength and watering 'in between'..

    My best guess is moisture stress, and you will continue to kill it if you introduce cal/mag hi brix into the fold BEFORE you get this issue fixed and let her recover a bit.

    She needs LESS not more.. she needs you to get her environment stable and for you to leave her alone and be a plant.. there is no magic potion there is no quick remedy.. the best thing to do is lay back on EVERYTHING you have been doing and leave her alone a few days.. you are stressing the stress..

    If I had to guess.. and I could be wrong.. God I have been wrong before.. (mostly about people, not plants.. *L*)

What are you talking about? of course i give them plain water in between being fed. Why would i not water in between feeding? That to me makes no since, my pot size is 5 Gal buckets. My low humidity forces me to water maybe more than you? My humidity this past week hasn't been over 40. Of course i feed every week as any feeding schedule will tell you to? My room is temperature controlled at 76F and besides these few fan leaves my plants look beautiful. I have went against your judgment and have given them cal/mag, Orca, and Hi-brix(molasses) tonight being that these will not hurt the plant the Orca and Molasses should at least help the root system. The heavy feeding schedule is not max strength on the heavy 16 line it is 3/4 strength "Heavy Pro" is what they call full strength. I haven't heard of moisture stress before? My leaves are brittle I don't believe i mentioned this.


Active Member
I've told you what I was talking about.. nothing more to say. you can either take the advice or leave it, no skin off me, I'm trying to help you... really I am... You are over watering and over feeding your plant 'most likely'.

I don't know what size of plants you have in those 5 gallon buckets, but I have grown some mighty impressive trees in 5 gallon buckets, and never had to water more than once a week until things were far enough along that fan leaves were the last thing I was worried about. Let alone feeding them every week.. let alone full strength.. Never ever ever ever ever take the manufacturer at their word for dosing, UNTIL you work your way up to it.. and then you likely never will.. I've only ever fed my plants full strength nutes a few times.. until they started looking like yours.. never again.. Yikes..

Take it or leave it.. I wish you no harm.. in fact, good luck...


New Member
Thank you for all the responses, I flushed the beginning of last week until my run off ppms were below 300 then fed them with ppm of 1200 with the addition of epson salt which i now have Cal/Mag on hand and will not be using epson salts anymore. I do not believe i am over feeding them, i am following the heavy 16 heavy feeding schedule. I feed once a week with pure water in between feedings. The plants are 2 weeks into flower they have been in 5 Gal. buckets for a month now. The nutrients are PH balanced and i have never adjusted PH, my tap water is PH neutral 7 and heavy 16 brings it down just a notch to were it should be. I am confused, I am introducing Orca, Cal/Mag, and Hi-Brix this week.
I would not use tap water, I think that's your problem due to the excess of CalMag, Chlorine, Chloramines, excess of heavy metals, etc. However that can differ depending on where you reside and if you have a water softer, RO, or other unit to purify the water.

Hope this helps !