Whats this chemicals legal status?

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
Sorry to hear that hommie. I guess that may be why I can't find nearly anything on it, not to many find it worthy of exploration.

Thanks for the heads up.



Well-Known Member
Just in case my general rule of thumb. Is it scheduled? If so what number. If not are the parent drugs scheduled? If so what number. Anything schedule 3 and above (4,5...) you're good if you're smart

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
Well I think 'allylprodine' is schedule one. But I don't think prodine is scheduled.

Regardless it seems less intriguing than I imagined.



Well-Known Member
Either way for future reference. Analouges act apply to drugs in schedule I and ii. All other shit is more or less grey area


Well-Known Member
there are many opiods not suitable for human consumtion, some 1000 times more potent than the shit we use, it is handy though when you need to tranquilise elephants etc...