whats this look like mg ph waiting on liime


New Member
wonder if the soil pros can tell me whats going on im new 2 soil hydro where i started was thinking mag def?i dont ph my water all organic grow dont wanna destroy the beneficial bacteria with acidty ph down my water ph is like 7.5 i know that soil i have says its 5.5/6.5 ph on labelwont that buff it out? since i cant ph the water waiting 4 my lime 2 get here sunleaves soil sweeter please let me know what u think my sour diesels arent doing this just the kushes and the older fan leafs have more of a dry feel to them not soft smooth wet feel like they should an questions ask away using iguana juice voodoo juice



Well-Known Member
Just give it water. No more nutes. Until it tells you too. Probably it will need nitrogen first. Maybe cal-mag. Just look into mycos and azos. Feed 1 tsp per gallon unsulphered molasses every two weeks or so. Remember soil holds nutes. You don't need to chase it around like you do hydro. Hope this helps. Steelheader.


New Member
ok thanks Steelheader so i am over feeding them yeah my leafs r a dark green and feel dryer not soft not to be a complete noob but until it tells you you say how will i know when it tells me it needs food wait for lighter leafs i feed weekly with iguana juice light feeding should i feed every 2 weeks i dont get how 2 feed correctly in hydro its easier more work but easier i feed when meter tells me and ph when meter tells me in soil i guess its a guessing game just want them 2 be happy gotta do soil my pump is shot and wanted 2 try organics in soil love the taste i can grow killer buds in hydro soil i mess up peeps laugh at that suppost 2 be the other way around lol lucky im still in veg i got ground lime im mix into a transplant wanna get them into flower here in the next week or so thanks to all that take the time 2 help me through my med grow