What’s this white stuff??


New Member
Hi world. I’ve just recently started trying to grow a couple clones I got from the kind love dispo in denver. 2 different strains (pura vida and og lime) I’m starting this thread because I know absolutely zero about how to do this right. I’ll post some pics of my setup and the problems I’ve been having already nowimage.jpg99A7F93C-2E82-4439-9086-A2550444F218.jpeg
So it’s really low budget and I don’t really have a fan. Is a fan necessary? Also in the second picture my soil is very white around one side of the main stem. What is this? Is it a problem? How often should I water these little guys? They’re maybe 3 weeks since I put the clones in the pot. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Yes, a fan is VITAL! I'm guessing that is mold creeping toward your girl. A fan will stop most of that. I'm not going to advise any further, I don't grow in soil. Tried once, for me total waste of time. Switched to hydro and am currently pleased with the results. If I saw that on one of my net pots I'd hit it with peroxide. With your soil/ potting mix peroxide will kill all bacteria, harmful and beneficial alike.


Well-Known Member
With it being the time of year that it is(I'm in oklahoma) it is way to late to get them outside. You are going to have to find a little money to invest in your girls that light bulb is barely keeping them alive. You don't have to get the best lights to get a decent harvest, although better lights=better harvest, but even the 40.00 amazon blurples will perform better than that bulb.


Well-Known Member
Look over this guide for some ideas.
Lighting and environmental control are the most important parts of a successful grow,
You need help with both.