Whats this?


Well-Known Member
I grow in FFOF using some meigs nutes in flower right now 2-5-7. Everything looks good and healthy and she is happy but a few larger/older leafs have this what is it from?


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Im leaning towards a calcium or magnesium deficiency due to it affecting the older lower growth. I’m seeing some yellow spots and possibly some dead brown spots if I’m seeing correctly. I know a lot of liquid nutes have very low ph to help keep them stable. Do you have a reliable PH reader? Have you tested any runoff? Also I’m pretty sure Ocean Forrest doesn’t come with dolomite lime already in it to stabilize the PH, could be wrong as I know happy frog for sure has it. Gotta make sure the soils PH is good before doing anything else
Ok and I have been starting to get some little flying creatures(fungus knats) on my soil, can I use some dishwasher soap and water and spray top layer or what do you recommend?
Im leaning towards a calcium or magnesium deficiency due to it affecting the older lower growth. I’m seeing some yellow spots and possibly some dead brown spots if I’m seeing correctly. I know a lot of liquid nutes have very low ph to help keep them stable. Do you have a reliable PH reader? Have you tested any runoff? Also I’m pretty sure Ocean Forrest doesn’t come with dolomite lime already in it to stabilize the PH, could be wrong as I know happy frog for sure has it. Gotta make sure the soils PH is good before doing anything else
I use rain water and have some liquid drops to test ph to the color and I'm around 6ish almost 7 maybe. Never tested runoff. And here are the chems I use. And I currently used the formula 2 as I am at 2 weeks since flip.


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Fungus gnat. Well first be careful buying soil again from the same place. I never had fungus gnats till I bought from a new store. Two weeks later theres me and three other growers, two I remember from two weeks prior at the store. So I ask one guy...never had em till you bought soil from here? Yes.

I use microb-lift the active ingredient is BT Israeliensis. Bacillus thurigensis Israeliensis (spelling). Predator nematodes work. I even use a neem cake solution to water into the soil at times. Which also works very well for powdery mildew instead of neem oil.
I use more than the 6 drops per 500 gallon rate. A small squirt in 50 gallons or few squirts in the 1000 gallon irrigation tank.
And use a large volume of water, ots not so much how strong you make it, but how saturated you can get the medium with the BTI. And every 3-5 days for a heavy infestation then weekly to keep them down or for prevention.
If indoors you can set dishes with water and sweet scented soap to trap adults.