whats this?


Active Member
strain mango.
ph is 6.5-7.
soil is cedar grove organic.
flowering about two weeks.
nutrients are tiger bloom @half strength.
watered as needed maby 3 times a week once with nutes.
light hps 400 watt @ 14 inches from canopy.
water is tap with ph of 6.5-7
ph tested with liquid test kit.
room temp 76.
box 4 circulation two duct fans.one blowing one pulling.
transplanted a week ago into five gallon buckets with proper drainage.

symptoms are yellowing.large brown spots that become brittle.smaller bottom leaves fall off.same on all plants.paper feeling on all leaves.



Well-Known Member
It could be the natural dieing process. Some hybrids ,and i think mango is one of them ,mature quickly , and the fan leaves turn yellow and die. Although 14 days is pretty early to be showing these signs.


Well-Known Member
ph might me a bit too high, also overwatering might be the culpret. Looks like a lockout of somekind combined with overwatering.


Active Member
no not over watering as this aint my first rodeo.It maby ph lockout but that tends to look different then that,also my ph seems fine but i will test them again this week to be sure.anymore ideas would be helpful.


Well-Known Member
not trying to say you dont have experience, im just trying to look at it like it was my problem. PH does sound a bit high, is this your first mango grow? That strain might be sensitive to ph issues, or just require a lower ph than your used to from other grows. The lockout might not seem like what you usually see from previous problems because the mango might have a different range of ph. So if your used to just the first signs of lockout being only one defficiency, the mango might have progressed to locking out the next mineral or nutrient in the path of worsening. Again not dissing your grow, you seem to know what your doing and looks like its been going well so far.


Active Member
ph of tap is 6.5. ph of soil runoff is about the same.so im right in there.i could go a little lower but dont think thats the prob.dont think its high enough to cause lockout.Hey thanx cannabiscrusader if i appear snappy its because of the sudden down turn in my grow.


Well-Known Member
no worries boss. Could be that organic soil maybe. You said you just transplanted them, so maybe with the already available nutes in the new soil that the roots just grew into, combined with the 1/2 str your giving them every week is too much. Maybe just water for a few weeks. I dont think you put enough in to warrent a flush, thats up to you though.


any roots damaged in the transplant? i don't think its pH, mostlikely soil conditions. are there holes in the bottom of that home depot 5? lord i hope so.....