What’s wrong I need help never had this problem

. What kind of medium is it in? Lots of info is needed. What you feed it, how much you feed it, what's the PH of the water you give it? Temps/Humidity?

Also the leaves are curled.. It may be nute burn, or a fluctuation of PH, or both.
Sorry it’s in a supersoil and coco mix and fed ph of 6.5 with 1tsp of cal mag temp is high 81 low 77 and my humidity is between 65 and 55
Sorry it’s in a supersoil and coco mix and fed ph of 6.5 with 1tsp of cal mag temp is high 81 low 77 and my humidity is between 65 and 55
mixing soil and coco could be sending you on this rollercoaster. PH for soil and PH for coco are different.

What's the ratio of supersoil to coco?