Don't stress, both photos look fine - the purple stem could be a result of genetics or variables such as temperature swings from day to night.
Don't water it too much at this stage (just small syringe feeds once every couple of days), until the next set of leaves form.
If you can, keep the light on 24H to keep the warmth, if growing indoors, for the first couple of weeks.
Don't panic, don't run to try and remedy anything.
Personally, I've had lots of success limiting how much I water the babies. Even the first pic before the purple stem, to me, there's way too much water.
Another recommendation I also have is to keep seedlings in small shotglass plastic cups, or starter cubes, inside a humidity dome, with a heating mat - I keep them in this state until they've developed proper roots, and slowly open the humidity dome each day. I've had 100% success rate, with very strong and fast-growing babies once transitioned.