What's wrong with my plants?


Drooping or wilting leaves. How to fix it?


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Nitrogen overdose. Posting in "Marijuana Plant Problems" will get you help faster. Welcome to RIU. Are you doing 12/12 from seed? Smaller plants/pots won't need strong nutrients. Might help you to flush out your medium, let them dry, and start out t 50% of what you have been feeding them. What are you growing in? Is it automated?
18-6 from seeds. 6l pot, premium soil, HS80 tent. I mixed 1/4 cup RQS Easy Boost to every plant's soil. 6 weeks old girls, I don't used more nutriens so I don't know why now doing this...
Just to confirm the gram reaper is correct, not having a name like AnalPope will probably get you more interaction.
you have a nitrogen shortage my friend.
shortage. but i cant for the life of me figure out why. not unless youve been running tap water in the pot
how often are you watering, you have signs of watering too much, you may have washed out all the nitrogen from the soil
the leaves are drooping, well showing signs of it.{early signs of over watering or nitrogen problem wilting is something else
Personally it looks like a few things first it looks like an overwater issue you need to make sure that you lift the pots see how heavy they are second I believe it is a heat issue inside the tent due to the curling of the leaves. do some of the leaves feel brittle? Personally I don't think it's a nitrogen or any kind of feeding problem no other signs no claw action or tip burning just my thought if I'm right easy fix cool the tent stop watering
the leaves are also cupped.. which means they have too much light and or Wind.. like a fan with direct air or light to close.. probably fan if light is cheap/ high up. so with to much light a ton of problems happen.. wind can also cause these..
The leaf surface temp spikes.. that makes them take up more water and leave nutrients behind.. then they have rapid transpiration and the vpd imbalance makes them look underwaterd.. the edges of the leaves are also 'sawblades'.. another sign of to much light.. I would raise the light at least to 36".. and flush the plants till the water comes out clear.. then give them food but only 1/4 dose.. and keep an eye on them for about 5 day's.. they should look better.. the leaves should un-cup and perk up.
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