Whats wrong with these babies


Active Member
4 of them are vanilla frosting from Humboldt. 2 are unknown. The lights are only like 150 watts led 24 hours a day. The medium is like 40% perlite without moss and potting mix with bat guano l, bone metal, all that good stuff. Organic shit. I ph my water at 6.5 its tap water in southern ca. And it comes out at around 7.5 - 7.8. And I havnt added any nutrients. I've only watered them twice. The ones in the solo cups needed water again today. What do I do next guys. I planted 6 before this and they all died too. I was overwatering them though.


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I took this soil, added a bag of pumice and half a bag of perlite. Added 1 bag of peet moss and a quarter bag of worm castings. Any idea. How does it sound to you guys?


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Also how often should I be watering these since theres alot of peet moss in there? Also what nutrient schedule would you guys recommend
I think you should water when the pot is very light, and that can take weeks for tiny runts. But you need to make the complete soil moist then wait very long. Once the plant has more leaves it will increasingly need faster water. Peat can hold about 7 times its weight in water, so it stores it really good. Perlite? Not so much, like twice.
Cannabis roots like to breath and when the plants roots are fully submerged in water it can stun them. What roots really like is actually the zone where water & atmosphere meet, and the roots tend to crawl in growth alongside this zone.

Your heavy perlite in the mix will later guarantee that when the plant is grown big it'll always have enough airation to grow strong. But to my experience very young plants cannot tolerate waterstress as good.
These plants are 8 days in one hand fine-grained peat moss + dolomite mix @ tested EC 1.0mS pH 6.5. Just one hand, and gave pure tap once at sprout, and after a week, saturated fully, again. It's under 24/0 CFL
The substrate already looks as if dehydrated - withdrawn from the sides, but if I lift it is still about half of it weight from what I watered last time, so I am gonna check tomorrow in the evening again.
The worst thing for plants is to constantly change their environment, and I wouldn't start bottle-feeding it until it brightens up a little visibly...
Great thanks kass for that very detailed answer. I will be sure to wait to water again. When are you going to start a nutrient regimen?
Do you see the small fancy leaves in the first pic? When these turn yellow, it's the first sign, that the plant gets hungry. But I do not fertilize but simply uppot multiple times, and mix the next mix with Allmix to get to ~1.5 soil EC for early veg.
I noticed the potting soil bag lists earthworm castings, bat guano and a few other additives. Then, you added earthworm castings. Is it possible the soil is too hot for seedlings? Light soil, very little water, decent light and a slight fan breeze are the basics for healthy seedlings.
I noticed the potting soil bag lists earthworm castings, bat guano and a few other additives. Then, you added earthworm castings. Is it possible the soil is too hot for seedlings? Light soil, very little water, decent light and a slight fan breeze are the basics for healthy seedlings.
I added very little earthworm castings yes. 1 bag between 6 buckets. Its was really just a couple handfuls in a 5 gallon pot. I'm considering not starting the seeds in soil at all next time but I've never done that before. I might even go hydroponic because I want to keep messing with them and soil limits me lol