Whats wrong with these two plants?

I was out of town this weekend and these two plants went limp. They had been pretty healthy looking until now.

Details about the room/plants:
*pH had been around 6
* ppm in the res was 1200 a week ago but because I saw some 'claw' and nute burn (on other plants) I dropped it to around 950-1000 a few days ago
*temperature has been between 68 and 77 the entire time
*humidity has averaged around 55% the last few weeks, ranging about 40-70%
*plants are being grown in rockwool
*plants are watered once a day for 8 minutes
* plants are 5 weeks into flower

I do see/smell a bit of root rot and have tried to put a sheet of dry rockwool under the cubes to help (sort of like a rockwool slab). This was about a week and a half ago. It doesn't appear that the roots grew into the slab much though.

These plants were right next to each other in the tray, so i moved them to a new area in it (where plants seemed to be happier)... figuring that some local light/competition with other plants/drainage issues might be at play. I was about to flush the plants/clean the reservoir anyway before putting the last nutrient mix in for the final 4 weeks. Other than that, I don't know what to do...

Any help you can give is apprecaited, thanks!!


okay, what killed them? I had hoped they'd recover, but as you said... they did not.

I have another two plants showing similar signs. These plants all came fromt he same tray (the other tray has no plants showing similar symptoms). I can't really think of anything that this tray is experiencing that the other one isn't.

i'm going to be right back with pictures of the latest plants in question. one is very small and looks lost, the other is big and I really hope I don't lose it... just a week ago it looked pretty good.


Dear lord! geez dude how did you murder them so badly! lol im only laughing because atleast you still got a harvest off of them lol O wow looks like they got zero water but I'm sure thats not the issue as you would have been able to figure that one out
here are pics of teh two currently affected plants.

as you can see, one is very small... looks identical to the ones that started this thread. the other is much larger with two main branchign colas, both of which are having trouble supporting themselves.

not getting enough water? I have cut back on the water, because its been extremely wet and rainy and the humidity is so high the cubes haven't been drying out. both of these plants are in rockwool cubes that are definitely wet though... doesn't that automatically rule out underwatering?



Undercover Mod
What and how much nutes are you giving them?

You need to cover up the top of the rockwool so light doesn't hit it. I see alot of algae growth that can hurt roots and also mold with completely destroys roots.
What and how much nutes are you giving them?

You need to cover up the top of the rockwool so light doesn't hit it. I see alot of algae growth that can hurt roots and also mold with completely destroys roots.
I had the cubes covered with these cardboard cutouts I made. I removed them 4-5 days ago to try to help the cubes dry out a bit more. Should I put em back? I suppose I can try putting the cutouts on during the light and take them off during the night to help them vent a bit.

Is the white mold or powdery mildew (on the top of the cubes)?

Nutrients... this reservoir is only at about 750ppm (the other reservoir/tray... not sure if you can see the other tray, is at 1000-1100 and doing well). Its a mix of tap and collected rainwater (wasnt left stagnant at all, immediately dumped in)... the nutrients are the advanced nutrients lineup for the last 2-4 weeks of flowering. Bud Candy, Sensibloom A&B, Sensizyme, Overdrive, plus I threw some Superthrive in there. The ratios of the nutrients are all correct, though they're all weaker than the containers suggest b/c I wanted to keept he ppm lower.
I'm going to cut those two down, but as you can see in those background pics... I haev quite a few more (most of which look much better), and I want to ensure this doesn't happen to them.

I'm thinking overwater, so Ill be squeezing some of the water out of the cubes tonight and they won't get water tonight. Going to hit the mold/algae with more h2o2 and then re-cover them with the cardboard cutouts.

Any of this sound wrong? Anything else I should do?