What's your 10 year plan?


Well-Known Member
Was just wondering what ya'll were doing with your life?

I am currently a college student going for welding and fabricating. I'm going to work in this field for about 5-7 years.
The whole time I'm doing that I'm going to be saving to send myself through law school without having the
burden of working. When that's done ill be about 30/31 years old.


Well-Known Member
Just glad to meet somebody that has a 10 year plan- lol. Damn dude, good luck with all that. All I know is, I changed my goals numerous times over the course of time and have a lot to be grateful for, but also have some regrets. I think that's inevitable though, no matter what anyone decides, or what they tell you. I too, was headed toward law school, but then I found out it's not like it is on tv and it's not nearly as fun/dramatic or ideological as I once thought. It's a business like anything else. Many lawyers exiting law school don't have the first clue about how to treat a client, (fairly) try a case, or how to make a buck. That's the part they don't truly teach in law school (at least most of them). A perfect example is our President. He's considered a constitutional lawyer, but does he have any experience trying cases? Dealing with clients? Winning cases? No. He went straight to teaching. And we all know what they say about those that teach. "Those that can't do, teach." Just don't wind up a teacher man. Lol. :joint::peace:

grow space

Well-Known Member
my 10 year plan is-finish my school(1 year more til graduation) and then go to work and save 1-2 years some cash, and then going straight to cali.i want to live in cali and grow freely my own medical marijuana garden where would be 49 plants and no fuckers can shity my mood where i at now live.


Well-Known Member
Go back to school for either culinary arts OR Hotel Mgmt. I'd like to open my own restaurant than hotel. Probably wont happen in 10 years but hey...ya never know.


New Member
The cost of living and tax rates are about to climb upwards at a staggering rate. Don't plan on anything for 10 years, just make sure you can stay employed and hope you can ride out the economic carnage which is just looming ahead of us. You are not entering a prosperity phase of the country, just be aware that a rough ride awaits all.


Well-Known Member
im finished college and im going to university to study digital animation, my dream is to own an animation company with my twin that rivals pixar and dreamworks ect

indy kuh

Active Member
Im hoping to get a full ride to baylor since there tuition is $40,000 a year. As of right now im ranked #1 in my class in highschool. We'll see how it goes from here.


Active Member
I have a tree year plan, to be flirty rich by 2012 and crowed as PhaRoh on 2012 and Lead the Human Race into the future ^_^


Active Member
actualy i was just having this converstaion with my buddy yesterday.....

my 10 year

just enrolled for diesel technology when thats done im going for automotive technology then when im all done with that get my associates degree in both(basicaly take the certificate classes then do the core shit afterwards)

then to finish that off open my own shop for ur one stop german car shop...i drive an older mercedes benz and after buying it and restoring it slowly and learning the engenering on them i fell inlove

ya ya so im in college and i cant spell GET OFF MY NUTS lol have a nice day


Well-Known Member
The cost of living and tax rates are about to climb upwards at a staggering rate. Don't plan on anything for 10 years, just make sure you can stay employed and hope you can ride out the economic carnage which is just looming ahead of us. You are not entering a prosperity phase of the country, just be aware that a rough ride awaits all.
Thats hopeful

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
The cost of living and tax rates are about to climb upwards at a staggering rate. Don't plan on anything for 10 years, just make sure you can stay employed and hope you can ride out the economic carnage which is just looming ahead of us. You are not entering a prosperity phase of the country, just be aware that a rough ride awaits all.

I have the same line of thought. I made my 10 year plan 5 years ago.

I finished school, got the family, house and everything I worked so hard to achieve. I came close to losing it all last year when the economy took its first dip. Luckily part of my plan was to save up a half years salary, and not live above my means. It came in hand when nothing was coming in.

I just got back on track and my plan is the same. Work hard and save. I think we havent seen the worst of it yet. Im working towards a years worth of income.

Also my current 10 year plan is making my home more self sufficient, More energy efficient and cost less to occupy our home. I hear of neighbors spending upwards of $300-400 in just utilities. My goal is to maintain under $100


New Member
Thats hopeful
Plans work out best when based on reality....and that is the reality ahead. Don't shoot the messenger .. :lol:

I have the same line of thought. I made my 10 year plan 5 years ago.

I finished school, got the family, house and everything I worked so hard to achieve. I came close to losing it all last year when the economy took its first dip. Luckily part of my plan was to save up a half years salary, and not live above my means. It came in hand when nothing was coming in.

I just got back on track and my plan is the same. Work hard and save. I think we havent seen the worst of it yet. Im working towards a years worth of income.

Also my current 10 year plan is making my home more self sufficient, More energy efficient and cost less to occupy our home. I hear of neighbors spending upwards of $300-400 in just utilities. My goal is to maintain under $100
You have done well grasshopper. The gradient slope towards achievement and independence has been sharply increased and will continue to increase. Everyone, no matter what you do, no matter your salary, pay yourself first. No one else will. Put at least 10% of every dollar you make away in a safe and interest growing place. Just keep in mind that things are going to be a lot tougher in the future than in the past. It's a sorry state of affairs I know, and the lesson that life isn't fair has never rung with more truth than right now.
