What's your comment?


Well-Known Member
You are watering them way to often, and I would definitely check your pH level, because to me your plants look like they are living in a very acidic environment, poor babies!


I water them every 2 days with 1,5 litter of still water with a few mls of bio bizz nutrients.

Do you believe they don't have any chance to survive?


Well-Known Member
Your girls are flowering and you cooked them. If they aren't autos or ruderalis, switch them back to veg and fix that shit.

If they are autos, the yield is going to suffer a shit ton but you can revive almost any plant.

From now on, water once every 5 days with pH'd water. Do this until you see new growth that looks reletivly healthy.


Well-Known Member
Cooked, as in it looks like you fried almost every viable bit of cell structure.

Over fertilized, under CalMg'd, over watered, no light burn. Those are some rough looking plants.