Wheennn does the flowering ennnd?!


my regs plants have been growing since May 20th and theiir starting to bud.Does anyone no when i shuld pick them any specific dates? Sept 25? Oct 1?:peace:

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
when trichs are murky/cloudy...microscope is a good tool to determine when done....exact date means nothing and if that's the case mine are done, but microscope says different although I am close. I am in a 2 week flush period now


Well-Known Member
Two have obviously started flowering, I thought the rule of thumb was 8 week flowering cycle (or there abouts) to harvest. That said If ours are about at the same flowering stage then mid October. I'm hoping for somewhat earlier as weather gets pretty dodgy in North Central Oregon come October.


I recommend going to your nearest jewelry store (or call first) and buy a jewelers loupe - preferably 30x power. If they only have 10x, or 20x buy it anyway. They will work too.

You're really only concerned with the "age" of the trichomes; really nothing else. They are those tall-skinny rod looking things with balls on the top (under microscope - you've seen the pictures) - those things that make your plant sparkle in the sun.

Armed with this cool tool you can harvest based on the type of affect you want. Harvest can now work like this:

Trichomes predominately clear in coloration - heady buzz, little body affect.
Cloudy - both head and body high.
Dark - very strong body stone.


Active Member
The only way to determine ripeness is to look at the thrichomes for the stage when they turn 50/50 cloudy vs amber. Every plant has a different flowering time that is genetically programmed. Modern hybrids are usually bred with indica strains to shorten the flowering period, which in many cases is 8-9 weeks, but the flowering time can range from 8-20 weeks depending on the genetics of the plant. The only true indication of ripeness is the ratio of thrichome color (amber vs cloudy).


i waant thee str8 upp boody high! how darrk mustt theyy get? all turn amber wer the population is 1/3 white and 2/3 amber?


Active Member
yeah if you do that you'll definitely have a body stone. Lots of trichs still turn amber after dry and cure so it would really be like 3/4 amber in the end.


Active Member
all that stuff about trichomes is is very well, but some strains dont get amber trichomes, they stay clear, sometimes cloudy, if most of the pistils have turned brown ie more than 75%, the stuffs ok. ive tried all different harvesting methods and to be honest ive never noticed much difference once the pistils have gone brown. get a loop though, theyre good for spotting mites etc.