When and how do plants flower?


I've got a small outdoor first-time grow and it's getting me a bit worried ... I planted the seeds around the first of June, and it's now nearing the end of August, yet there are no indications of my plants starting to flower, produce buds. I've talked to some of my friends about is and I've been told to move the plants indoors, under a 12/12 light ratio. Apparently that's like the only way. I find that kind of hard to believe, so I'm asking for a second opinion here :)




MJ is keyed to flower based on the day/night cyle. When the autumn days begin to get shorter your ladies will begin to bloom. Indoor growers can force this and control it by changing the light cycles to 12 on 12 off but this mearly mimics what happens in nature when the seasons change. If they are in the ground, leave them unless you are in a big hurry. It you try to transplant established plants you will at best stress them and get a reduces yield or even kill them. If they are in pots you should have no trouble moving them inside provided you have proper lighting/environment. Regular lights wont work either. You will need a HID system to get a good yield. The days are still long right now. Be patient.


Active Member
if your plants are healthy they will with stand a transplant no problem...i transplanted 7 ladies from their buckets and into the ground about a month ago and they are doing great...just have to be very careful doing so and follow the advice of "veggiegardener" he has a transplanting thread you should find..i followed his advice ,he knows his shit. AND if decide not to transplant then just be patient and trust me the buds will come(i have 4 with no buds at all).. and if you decide to bring them indoors then the new artifical lite would worry me more about stunning them ,,not the transplant..takes alot of lite to mimic that sun they been under since june...keep them outside for a better yeild.


Well-Known Member
It looks as though your plants are sativa dominant, they require about ten weeks to flower. If you don't switch to 12/12 and give your plants enough time to flower out then you can watch them freeze to death when they're not fully mature this fall. MJ requires 12/12 to flower and it has to be strict.


So ... If the weather stays nice and warm it would be best to leave the plants outside till they flower? I'm in no hurry. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea, thats about it. If you usually have a mild winter you should be fine.
I planted mine May 1st, a little early, my light cycle was still about 13.6 hours daylight and a few of them flowered at that cycle. They reverted back to veg and grew out the summer. Now there at it again but much larger. So its not exactly 12/12 a plant needs to flower. Depends on the strain.

Heres a little gizmo I found that can tell exactly how much sunlight you get if you wanna check: Daylight Hours Explorer


Nice :)
According to the gizmo the cycle here's 12/12 right now. So ... It should happen any day now, ya? :D

Oh and there's a little thing I forgot to mention earlier. I started with these plants indoors, on a window shelf, but I moved them outside after they just stopped growing. Because of that, it might take longer for them to mature, right? Oh and one other thing. I grew these plants from seeds my buddy found in a baggy. That way they are all female, true? And how would that effect the grow/flowering process?


Well-Known Member
Yep, once they start it will be 2 weeks before you see any change in the new growth. Starting plants inside and moving them outside will not effect the time to mature. Its the light cycle. seeds found in a baggy does not make them female. you probablly have a 50/50 shot. In the next two weeks you will be able to tell female from male. Males have little polen sacks femailes have thin pistals at the base of the stem. So to not effect the flowering process you remove the males so the female will not produce seed.

Good luck.