When Do I Need to Start Lights?


Active Member
Hi guys im pretty green when it comes to growing so i could use a little help. I was wondering when is the best time to introduce my newly planted germinated seed to light??? Do I keep them in the dark till they sprout or do I just throw them right up under my CFLS??:shock:


Active Member
DOn't take this as an insult or an evil joke! :P

Unless you have transparent dirt, no need for lights, really. Your best bet is to wait until you see sprouts, since plants, in general, absorb light through their leaves exclusively.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by
"Unless you have transparent dirt, no need for lights,"? light is bad for roots, this seems like your implying that light is good for roots.


Active Member
what do you mean by
"Unless you have transparent dirt, no need for lights,"? light is bad for roots, this seems like your implying that light is good for roots.
Now now, that's going a little too farfetched. It was meant as a joke.
I simply said that he should wait for the sprout to come out before starting his light cycles, otherwise, he'll be wasting energy and prematurely drying up his medium.

And don't worry, generally speaking, what I say and what I seem to imply won't really match.


Active Member
Thanks for all the fast replies!!!! i had a few more ?'s I am using rapid rooter starter cubes for my germinated seeds, once they have sprouted how many times a day should i water them? And how long should i leave them in the humidity dome?


Active Member
Thanks for all the fast replies!!!! i had a few more ?'s I am using rapid rooter starter cubes for my germinated seeds, once they have sprouted how many times a day should i water them? And how long should i leave them in the humidity dome?
Water them when they get dry, i water mine about 1 time every other or 3rd day, they are drinking more now that they are over 4 feet, when they were little i only watered 2-3 times a week

Illegal Smile

We don't know what effect light has on a seed not yet sprouted, but in nature it will get light. So I see no reason not to go ahead and give it light right from the start. For seedlings I keep cfls about 4-6 inches but then in as close as 2 in as they grow.


Active Member
Hi guys im pretty green when it comes to growing so i could use a little help. I was wondering when is the best time to introduce my newly planted germinated seed to light??? Do I keep them in the dark till they sprout or do I just throw them right up under my CFLS??:shock:
You need to place it underneath some light. Just keep them 8 - 12 inches away for now. You need light to sprout a seed or else it won't grow towards the light and will grow sideways, downward or upward if you are lucky.

Also don't overwater at this stage, you just need to moisten the dirt, put the seed in, and use a spray bottle to gently mist the surface when it becomes dry.


Well-Known Member
We don't know what effect light has on a seed not yet sprouted, but in nature it will get light. So I see no reason not to go ahead and give it light right from the start. For seedlings I keep cfls about 4-6 inches but then in as close as 2 in as they grow.
I don't think anyone's saying your CAN'T sprout under light, but there's no need to.


Well-Known Member
Now now, that's going a little too farfetched. It was meant as a joke.
I simply said that he should wait for the sprout to come out before starting his light cycles, otherwise, he'll be wasting energy and prematurely drying up his medium.

And don't worry, generally speaking, what I say and what I seem to imply won't really match.
oh, i see what you mean now. good point


Well-Known Member
i keep my seed/lings under 2 40w flouro tubes about 3 inches away. its not required but its cheap to run em and they make no heat(i can sit my hand on it for like 5 min and it doesnt burn me) so the plant can start getting light as soon as possible


Active Member
I've got the same question... can I just put my germinated seeds in cup of soil and put them in a dark cupboard and wait for them to break soil?? or must they go under light for them to even break soil? some people answered me on this in my other thread but I'm still confused


Rapid rooter plugs dry quickly compared to rockwool cubes. I water mine about every other day, I know its frequent but they dry out so fast.


Well-Known Member
I've got the same question... can I just put my germinated seeds in cup of soil and put them in a dark cupboard and wait for them to break soil?? or must they go under light for them to even break soil? some people answered me on this in my other thread but I'm still confused
i keep my seed/lings under 2 40w flouro tubes about 3 inches away. its not required for them to break the soil but its cheap to run em and they make no heat(i can sit my hand on it for like 5 min and it doesnt burn me) so the plant can start getting light as soon as possible


Active Member
I do the same, pretty much. I've got my 2 OTT-Lite (25w) on at 24/0, so that all my seeds grow properly, including my 2 that have sprouted already, and my other plants I'm growing to help camouflage my whole thing.


Well-Known Member
And don't worry, generally speaking, what I say and what I seem to imply won't really match.[/QUOTE]

Now that is funny shit!