When do you know whenBHO is properly purged


Well-Known Member
Hi, im using a mityvac hand pump and a mason jar wrapped in a heating pad pumping up to about 23 hg ...opening jar .. Pumping back up.... Releasing... Repeat... When do I know when Done?

Have heating pad at about 125
If you leave the material at temperature and vacuum, instead of cycling it, 115F for a couple of hours should drop the butane below sensory threshold. You can tell when the larger irregular bubbles stop breaking the surface and when you can no longer taste it when vaporized.

I don't use sparking for anything but water, because the terpenes and waxes are hydrocarbons and burn as well. Sparks are typically solid particles of wax or particulate and a wild fire dance is typically water.
i say when it is wax it is purged, but if you get it too hot it wont wax and it will just slowly bubble.... forever!!!!!!!
^ very fucking true and irritating!!!!!!!!!!

i say dont go above 120 if ur vacuum pumping..

i had a bright gold muffing in my jar and then i added 125-130 heat and shit turned dark brown and bubbles popped and turned into slime, im guessing i added heat to fast....

what i have now is a slime that still sparks a bit under flame and crackles stil when vaporized,, getting pissed off i purged for liek 5 hrs already and did another 2 hour purge at 130* last night but shit is stil slimy and pops still fack me
any ideas should i put it at 150 and let it ride for a few hours till there are absolutely no bubbles?!
sorry not trying to thread jack
i would, i have said it before i have purged stuff on a continuous vacuum for 36 hours i have also purged stuff for 2 hours and had wax but that is my shortest time was 2 hours and it was only like a 2 grams of wax the 36 hours was 10 grams but i have done 50 to 64 grams that took 12 hours

also i have noticed that indicas make dark oil and take longer to wax up compared to sativas
i have also noticed if you use bud that has been sitting around it will make darker wax and take longer to wax up, i think this has something to do with the ago of the thc because as thc ages it ambers