Synthetic nutes will kill the microbes you're trying to cultivate.
Not only should you trash that tea (if you haven't already), but I would highly recommend sanitizing the bucket before you attempt to brew anything else. Use hydrogen peroxide or 91% ISO alcohol, disinfect the bucket and the air stones as well. Set your airstones up in a bowl full of hydrogen peroxide. Clean everything.
Drysift is definitely pointing you in the right direction. Take his advice, start over, and use his recipe.
As he said, castings are important but if you can't source good EWC then good compost will compensate.
When brewing a "compost tea" you're effectively growing a vast web of microscopic organisms that eat the compost+molasses, the beneficial microbes will then proceed to multiply greatly over the 24 hours of "brewing" it. The idea behind a compost tea isn't necessarily to feed your plants, its to get a jumpstart on the microbiology. Then, you in turn pour this liquid full of microbes into any soil and the microbes will go to town on any organic material within your pots.
That said, teas are superfluous IMO. Simply top dressing with high quality compost + organic amendments will achieve the same result, just over a slower period of time. Nutrient teas can cause more harm than good and I recommend against them. In organics, a religious top dress regimen is key. I top dress every 1-2 weeks, personally. Sprinkle a Dr. Earth organic amendment blend on the soil, then cover it with quality compost. Water as normal, rinse and repeat.
Should you encounter heavy feeders, Fish Emulsion (for veg) and Fish Hydrolysate (bloom) are the only products I use personally.
Less is more.