when does the grow time exactly start??


Active Member
So i know the general rule of thumb for growing indoors is 4 weeks veg and 4-6 weeks flower. Well im doing my first indoor grow and my plant is 2 weeks, and is still only at 4 leaves.... so there is no way that in 2 more weeks it will be ready to flower. When exactly does the veg month start?

reminder: started from seed, not clone


Well-Known Member
It also depends on how much light you have. A 1000w mh will grow faster then a few cfls in a closet. My first cfl grow took 2-3 months for my plants to be where they were ready to flower but that was with 30w of cfl lol. My 2nd grow with the 400w mh they were ready in 40 days even with topping/fimming slowing growth. :joint:


Active Member
hmmm, my plant surfaced 2 weeks ago, and only has 4 leaves? and is only about 1.5 inches tall, there is no way that it ill be ready for flowering in another 2 weeks??
How are you growing it? In a window with natural sunlight or with artificial lighting? If your growing in a window with the sun being your light source then it will have the normal vegatative cycle as if it was planted outside.