When is Connecticut going to start selling recreational pot ?

It's almost a year since Connecticut legalized recreational pot for adults . If you go to the various websites of dispensaries in the state they claim that they have no idea when recreational sales will begin. Why are they refusing to give any dates (even those that are tentative and vague) ?
It's almost a year since Connecticut legalized recreational pot for adults . If you go to the various websites of dispensaries in the state they claim that they have no idea when recreational sales will begin. Why are they refusing to give any dates (even those that are tentative and vague) ?
took over 2 yrs here in Maine
Wow.. in Arizona the bill passed in Nov 2020 and within weeks was signed, so folks could prossess and grow pretty quickly... the dispensary licenses were sorted out and recreational store sales began in Jan 2021. Guess it depends on how the bill is written and how much red tape is involved.
It's almost a year since Connecticut legalized recreational pot for adults . If you go to the various websites of dispensaries in the state they claim that they have no idea when recreational sales will begin. Why are they refusing to give any dates (even those that are tentative and vague) ?
I've been in CT for almost 61 years. ANYTHING CT does it must be done in the most complicated manner possible . There must be 700 pages of written regulations before even considering a vote . Then comes the tweaking and discussion on how to squeeze every last drop of blood out of the turnip of the moment .

I'm not a conservative or a liberal more of a moderate libertarian but I'm okay for the most part with Governor Lamont . Just wish we had referendum voting on issues like this .

The hold off on recreational growing until October 2023 is clearly an attempt to get the heavily taxed sales at dispensaries in motion first . The line on no outdoor grows probably has to do with not being able to know if you have "3 here and 3 there" .

A recent article I read showed the prohibitory licensing fees . It said to expect sales to commence in late 22 to early 23 . Gotta get dat money to stuff into the general fund .
I’m in Connecticut, had the medical card for years and the dispensary sells disgusting trash that I can’t call weed, so I don’t expect recreational dispensaries to be any different. If you want good weed find a dealer or wait until it’s legal to grow your own.