when is it time to flush for harvest


Well-Known Member
a m8 of mine has 4 BF blue cheese on there 6th week of flowering there all healthy stinking fat girls all the pistols are still white an are not showing any signs of turning amber with it being a 8 week flowering plant he is wondering when he should start to flush them,i have told him to give them another week a least b4 he starts to flush,when i used to grow i would always start the flush just as the plant started to show signs that the pistols are starting to turn amber,but i think he wants more than just my say so cause im no pro grower an he knows it,any advice on this matter would be great


Well-Known Member
197 look ins an not 1 bit of advice,looks like every one to there own way of doing things then done it RIU users


I used to flush. I was convinced that lack of flushing is what lead to buds that wont burn up completely and leave black ash instead of a gray/white ash.

I have since changed my stance on the issue. I've found that the black nasty ash is caused by not drying it enough before the cure.

I would imagine this happens for 2 reasons:

1. People tend to be in a hurry. They want that money asap.

2. If you don't dry it completely, it will end up having a bit more weight, per bud, and a profitable amount for quantity.

I did a test all my own. I didn't flush at all- dried the bud completely and the ash burned gray/white. :D

That being said, I don't feed them right up until harvest but when I noticed her finishing up (retracting pistils, fattened calyxes, trichome color - about a week, to 1.5 weeks) I just give Ph'd water until harvest and I've had great results.

I know lots of people still swear by flushing (I was one of them). But once I did my own test, I found out the truth. Also, hot damn it saves a lot of time and energy not having to flush with obscene amounts of water.


Well-Known Member
it not that me m8 will flush out,he will just stop the feed an give them P.H'ed water as u say,there just gonna end up being proper stressed if u start put gallons of water through them every couple of days,just plain water instead of the feed will do just right


it not that me m8 will flush out,he will just stop the feed an give them P.H'ed water as u say,there just gonna end up being proper stressed if u start put gallons of water through them every couple of days,just plain water instead of the feed will do just right
Just Ph'd water and let her eat the rest of the nutes in the grow medium and root system. The plants leaves will yellow (same thing as deciduous trees leaves changing color and falling off) as the nutrients are absorbed. I don't put massive amounts of water through, I just do a heavy watering, with about 20% run off, and then let the plant drink it dry. Check trichomes and calyxes and decide to harvest or give some more water.


Well-Known Member
its not that people dont want to answer your questions. its just that the questions you asked have been asked a hundred times before and noone feels like typing it all over again. riu has plenty of sticky threads that have basic information in them and what not. including one about flushing. you just have to find them under forums and do a bit of reading on your own to learn them. them being the sticky threads.


Well-Known Member
but to answer your question. i flush 1.5 weeks before chopping everything. put ph'd tap water. indicas i start flushing at 6.5 weeks if its an 8 week strain. also im in coco. a huge difference than soil.


Well-Known Member
flush 2 weeks before harvest.. don't listen to dumb ass people who say fushing doesn't matter... ive been growing 14 years trust me flushing matters... only in organics flushing doesn't matter has much because those nutes break down due to having carbon atoms... I still flush when I grow organic anyways... chemical ferts have heavy metals in them that nneed to be flushed out... only water does this.. same thing in humans.. water increases our metabolism and allows us to excreat toxins/heavy metals faster/better... don't be a fucking cash cropper... the world is already full of them.. see mexico and Canada lol...


Well-Known Member
should be noted its much harer to flush organics them chemicals... this is esp true when using lets say super soil mix... and kinda true whe using teas and such... the micro herd eat the nutrients and make them available to the plants... so its like when ur growing in chemical fert ur feeding the plant... when ur growing organic ur feeding ur soil/microherd which in tur feed ur plant
197 look ins an not 1 bit of advice,looks like every one to there own way of doing things then done it RIU users
but to answer your question. i flush 1.5 weeks before chopping everything. put ph'd tap water. indicas i start flushing at 6.5 weeks if its an 8 week strain. also im in coco. a huge difference than soil.
Also you posted in the journal part of the forum. You will get more replies if you post in Newbie Central or General Marijuana Growing which are reserved for these kind of questions... Good luck!