When should I fertilize next?


Active Member
It's been about 2 1/2 weeks since I began growing, the third set of nodes are starting to grow and I'm not sure about when I should fertilize next. I don't want to burn or, even worse, kill my plants because of too much nutrients. So can someone give me some advice about this issue? It's my first grow and they're looking gr8 so far!

Here's what my plants look like...

Oh, just so no one is confused about the straws I put them in for a couple reasons; (1) I realized I was watering too much so the straws were used to bring up moisture and (2) I figured it would bring oxygen to the roots. Kind of just experimenting...I know no one has heard of this before. Maybe it'll work!


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Well-Known Member
Give light fertz every second watering. When they get a bit bigger increase the quanity of fertz...