When should i flower


Active Member
plants are about 1 month old now and light is only 250watt along with a 70 watt so about 320 watts total. my question is when is a good time to flower to get really nice nuggs. i'd rather have quality then quanity plus this strain is really really good, and since i dont have C02 and pretty weak lighting what is the recommended hight to induce flowering

pics-the one in the bucket is the bubble system and 1month and 19 days exactly from taking clone, the others were taken two weeks apart from each other and obviously organic.

any suggestions



Well-Known Member
250w of what? HPS, CFL? If you're using CFL's then you can keep the light a few inches away from the plant, with HPS you're going to have to go considerably further away. Put your hand at the level of the top of your plants and if it feels hot, then move it further away. Probably be about 12-24" depending on how well it is cooled.

The time you leave it in veg won't make much, if any, difference to the quality assuming you don't have any nutrient deficiencies. One of the most frequent mistakes first times growers make is to over fertilize and cause nutrient burn, so be careful. But yes, anyway, the amount of time in veg won't make much difference in quality but it will make a big difference in quantity. Personally I'd leave it at least 2 months in veg though if there are time or space restraints then you can do it from 1 month. Happy growing!


Active Member
my fault not being specific 250 watt MH right now and 70 watt hps, then when i go to flower i change the bulb of my 250 watt from MH to HPS


Active Member
not my first grow, just wanted some suggestions because my specs and lights are so weak that when i go to flower my top buds are real nice but bottom buds suck and i would like to know how to just better my yield in general with what i have.


Well-Known Member
With that amount of HPS you'll be golden for 3 plants. As for increasing your yield you may want to consider Fimming it. This is where you remove the top off the apical (top) bud leaving about 20% of it behind. This will encourage the lower branches to grow upwards (so your lower budding sites get more light) in addition to causing the apical branch to split into 2-5 more branches. Repeat this quite a few times and you'll have lots of branches all at about the same level. Read up about it in the FAQ (it'll explain it a lot better than I am).


Happy growing.