When should I harvest? PICS


Hi, I'm about 8 weeks into flowering my Lemon Skunk. This is my first harvest, which I have no intentions on really buying a magnifying glass or anything until my second grow. These pics were taken a couple days ago, and as of now the hairs are about 40% red. I just need a fair estimate of when I should cut her down. (Sorry for the bad quality phone pictures) Thanks (:



Well-Known Member
looks like you still got a few weeks but the only way to really tell is to get a jewelers loupe they are only like 10 bucks and you will need it for future grows so it won't be a waste of money

Guitar guy

Active Member
Yo tell your phone to focus on the bud and not the walls and leaves lol. If only 40% of the hairs are red its not time yet. Wait til 80% of them are red then chop chop. Looks to be a Sativa to me so I don't see the point in waiting for amber trichs if you were growing a Sativa for the head high.

I feel ya on not wanting to buy a magnifying glass. I don't want to buy one til my second grow either. Why waste money on your first grow when you know the second one will be better, right?