When should I start flowering?

Ok so here's the Low down. I have 7 foot of space from the base of my soil to the bottom of my 1000 watt hps or at least that's the max I can raise my light. My tallest plant is 2 foot and very very bushy. I have one tied down because It was stretching allot and the others are around a foot and a half. Anyways I'm trying to get max yield with small amounts of plants aka super cropping. Here are my questions.

-Should I start tying down my tops?

-How much more vertical growth can I expect after I start flowing? Will it double?

-If I want 4 oz a plant how tall should they be when I start flowering?(They are or will be very bushy and topped)

Thank You in advance Also I have my Michigan medical card all legal baby ;)



It all depends on the strain, but most plant have over a 200% growth rate during the first couple weeks of flowering so yeah she might double. If you want 4oz on a plant then they have a ways to go. If you were to flower them now you might get about 10 grams per plant. Then again it depends on the strain. Do you know what strain it is?


Well-Known Member
Get some bush master humboldt makes it. It will be your best friend. It stops your plant from elongating in flower, breaks the apical dominance of your plant so it stops growing vertical.
Another good thing is to look at Bonsai techniques.
You have 7' of grow space with your 1000w you should be able to grow a decent @5' plant.
If your topping and training the sky's the limit.


Well-Known Member
I dont know about the additives, but if you want to improve your yield per plant you will probably need to do a bit more training. A 1000W has a lot more penetration than my 400, but what you want to do is figure out the effective penetration of your light and try to keep your canopy as wide as your light coverage allows and as deep as your light can go.

My last grow I got about 186G from a single plant under a 400W (121 smoking, 65 popcorn) in a 3 gallon pot but it took a lot of training. If I had your plats/light I would do some super cropping now and wait another couple weeks for them to recover and get bushier.

As was said earlier though, strain also plays a huge roll in yield and how well they respond to certain training methods.
Thanks everyone I have the strains written down and tagged in the pots. I will let you guys know the strains when I get home tonight. You guys gave some great advice and Im going to find the most effective height for my light and start to tie down tops and train them out so my lower branches will get greater light distribution. Tuesday when I get paid Im going to buy some Fertilizer. Would Bush master work well in veg? I'm thinking 3 more weeks of veg after I transplant my smaller plants into bigger pots and train them down (which Im doing tuesday.)

-If I transplant my 2 smaller plants into larger pots Tuesday and I buy fertilizer can I use the fertilizer same day or should I wait a few days for the plants to get comfortable in their new pots?


Well-Known Member
Depends on if your new soil has fertilizer in it, most do and should carry you for at least a couple weeks. If it doesn't then you could add some but I would start very slowly.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the strain, but most plant have over a 200% growth rate during the first couple weeks of flowering so yeah she might double. If you want 4oz on a plant then they have a ways to go. If you were to flower them now you might get about 10 grams per plant. Then again it depends on the strain. Do you know what strain it is?
How did you come up with the 10 grams per plant figure?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, strain is going to be your biggest factor. Or, whether they are indica PR sativa rather. Sativas can gain 2 to 3 times their height in flower, and ibdicas usually get around 1 1/2 times the height so about 50% taller, but they bush out really well.

With that kind of space, your best bet for yield as a newbie is to just top them often when they are young and let them veg forever. Let them get close to 2 feet in veg and have 4 to 8 tops when they go into flower. Use steaks or a screen or mesh or whatever like a scrog, but I don't suggest going all out with the scrog style and lollipopping the bottoms out or anything just yet. Buy some remedy from Lowes and cut it up, use it like a tomato plant trellis to support the buds when they're bigger but only go that far with the scrog until you really learn how the plant behaves.

Good luck man! Wish the best of yield and quality to you


Well-Known Member
Here is a chart for you that shows you how far you can have your 1000 light from the plant. Remember this doesn't include penetration through the plant leaves. Just because you have a 1000 watt light doesn't mean you can grow 6 foot monsters as this light wouldn't be enough. If you really want yield, search through this site on SCROG. Here is the chart for your reference http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/indoor-growing/67062d1148175556-lumens-per-inch-hps-chart-1157989-foot-candle-chart-hps.jpg&imgrefurl=http://boards.cannabis.com/indoor-growing/66446-lumens-per-inch-hps-chart.html&h=721&w=559&sz=150&tbnid=TWAhKrL10K4PEM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=70&zoom=1&usg=__hxY3-1PPaS7H6iM4HmCxlJqu1m0=&docid=Mh4aQf7sM7fkBM&sa=X&ei=9UnrUaGYN-G8yAGq0oAI&ved=0CC8Q9QEwAA&dur=257

Lastly since you are using soil the best fertilizer you can use is Budswell as it has bat guano and seabird guano, the fastest acting fertilizer you can get.

Budswell The vegetative formula http://www.amazon.com/The-Guano-Company-Super-Tea/dp/B0001WV6JG/ref=sr_1_4?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1374374760&sr=1-4&keywords=budswell and the Flower formula http://www.amazon.com/Super-Bat-Liquid-Budswell-Gallon/dp/B0001WV6KU/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1374374758&sr=1-1&keywords=budswell
Thanks everyone! got a new problem while training my tops down I split it down the middle 1/4 Inch..... I taped it back together and used a twist tie to bring the 2 tops back together. Will this stunt the growth a bunch? or will it heal back together pretty well? Its my biggest healthest plant I have very bushy very green.