When should I water?


Well-Known Member
I've been watering my plants every 2-3 days...some of the bigger ones seem to take up the water a lot faster and are a lot lighter than my smaller ones. When the big ones are pretty dry and light compared to the smaller, even just 2 days after, should I go ahead and water those? I think I might have been overwatering my small ones and under watering the big ones.


Well-Known Member
Yes, water only the ones that are dry. Trying to water them all at the same time will cause you more problems if they don't need water. Its a lot more work however, you'll be happier at the finished product. That is also why larger grow operations really try to keep everything uniform.


Well-Known Member
Water them when they need it. With different sized pots and different stages of growth, you will have different feeding schedules.

Note to self....Try to maintain grows with simliar qualities. Having different strains and being in different containers or stages of growth only makes it harder for you.


Well-Known Member
Water them when they need it. With different sized pots and different stages of growth, you will have different feeding schedules.

Note to self....Try to maintain grows with simliar qualities. Having different strains and being in different containers or stages of growth only makes it harder for you.
thanks for the help...sometimes its hard to determine if they need water. when i say small they are just a different strain, but same stage. If I stick my finger an inch down into the smaller ones they are just a little bit moister than the larger. Is that a sure fire way to see if they need water?


Well-Known Member
Let them go until they start to get a bit droopy then pick up the container and see how light it is. You'll eventually get the feeling. I dont do the knuckle thing.


Well-Known Member
go to your local garden shop or even home depot/lowes or an home improvement store and purchase a moisture wand... they cost about $15 but well worth the cost! this will save you a lot of time and root rot! good luck!