when should my babies start to flower?


my plants are outside in my yard, they have been there from day one in prepared soil, they were put there the end of april, maybe first week of may dont remember, they are gettin fed as of now, and they look pretty good from what i can see, ice lush green perky and strong and have a strong dankness to them they are about 20in give or take the fan leaves are beautiful and the size of my hand or so and the new leaves have sprouted at the nodes about an inch or so right now, im just wondering when they will start to flower being outdoors in the ground. any advice or info to make them even better would be apprieciated, thank for reading


New Member
depends where u live/strain. where i'm at in the northeast (growing bagseed) my plants show in early (usually males)- to mid (usually females) july


Well-Known Member
if you have them to close to a street light it will delay them. if you have problems with getting them to flower find a big ass black bag that doesnt let light go through and cover your plants at night