When should start feeding


Active Member
I am in the vegging stage still and it is Day 2 and my sprouts have come up since day 1(when i first put them in the small flower pot with soil in it). If anyone knows when should i start feeding them?


Just some idiot
If I remember correctly you are the one with the potting soil that feeds for 9 months? If so you aren't going to need to feed it really. If you are using a soil without food the rule is usually around the 3rd week you can start with low dosages of nutes, start a 1/4 dosage directions and slowly work your way up and you should be fine.

If growing inside I am very much against soil with food in it. Just cause it can really be a guessing game as to what you are feeding your plant and when. If you flower how do you know it's getting more p-k? It can also present some problems in that you are not controlling any of the feeding. Some people like it some don't...I don't, it was more of a pain than a help for me. But there are many right ways to do things in canna gardening


Just some idiot
Umm. hey everyone i just wanted to know if anyone ever heard of The Expert Gardener all purpose potting soil, it is in a pink bag and reads:Feeds up to 9 months Well i have it, and i want to know if it is good for growing marijuana if not please tell me which should i use.

I copied your soil mix from another thread, it says feeds up to 9 months so you shouldn't feed it, you'll burn it most likely at some point, IMO.

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
MG , or other soil with alot of time release nutrients and alot of fert can be used from day one.
When your trying to grow in 100% miracle grow then you will have problems.

Mixing Miracle grow w/ regular potting soil works good.
Mixing w/ Organic potting soil w/ bat poop is great.


Well-Known Member
MG , or other soil with alot of time release nutrients and alot of fert can be used from day one.
When your trying to grow in 100% miracle grow then you will have problems.

Mixing Miracle grow w/ regular potting soil works good.
Mixing w/ Organic potting soil w/ bat poop is great.
Yeah? thanks I was on here looking for that answer ! :peace: