When the state goes broke, .............


New Member
Hey, thats why you should have gone out and bought a gun. Crooks are going to go on a rampage. I figure it would be like a video game, seeing how many crooks you could cap before the police come back on line,~LOL~.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if i remember the state parks were lefet open to the public with an honor system pay if you want type canister at the ranger stations


Well-Known Member
Hey, thats why you should have gone out and bought a gun. Crooks are going to go on a rampage. I figure it would be like a video game, seeing how many crooks you could cap before the police come back on line,~LOL~.
i'm not wasting money on weapons, just like a video game you find those later. :-P

i'm on a dead end cul-de-sac. all of the neighbors here are cool. we barricade the street at the corner and we are all safe. :fire:


Well-Known Member
it's a buyers market. you should be out here investing. some day it will turn around. it always does. :weed:
Its a buyers market EVERYWHERE .. Our money is staying put ,, That way it'll still be there when all of this is done .. If I was to invest anywhere it would be locally . That way I can control it ,, I cant control something 3000 miles away ...

Now if I was Alone ( no fiance or any Children ) then I would consider it after a visit


Well-Known Member
Its a buyers market EVERYWHERE .. Our money is staying put ,, That way it'll still be there when all of this is done .. If I was to invest anywhere it would be locally . That way I can control it ,, I cant control something 3000 miles away ...

Now if I was Alone ( no fiance or any Children ) then I would consider it after a visit

you really seem to be hung up on this "move to cali thing". :neutral:


Well-Known Member
What about garbage pick up.. ?

will the streets be littered with household garbage ?

Where did all Cali's Money Go ????????????


New Member
i'm not wasting money on weapons, just like a video game you find those later. :-P

i'm on a dead end cul-de-sac. all of the neighbors here are cool. we barricade the street at the corner and we are all safe. :fire:
Yeah, I'm on a dead end cul-de-sac myself, but it's some of the neighbors I'm worried about. Didn't used to be, but there are 12 houses on my street and I think 6 of them would be OK, but the other six I don't know about, one of them had a murder commited in it a couple a weeks ago, used to be owned by a couple of cops, they got divorced and the wife rented it out to illegals I believe, Bing, bang, boom and a body was produced. That's a reason to have guns. I realize in CA it is hard to get guns, or harder than Nv. I can just walk into any gun store or gun convention, (we have them 3-4 times a year here) and walk out with a gun (Carry permit priveledge). I'd really hate to be gunless in this society, one never knows and if the cops take a hiatus, look out my friend.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Makes one wonder what they did with all of the money they get from drug busts.We see it all the time,tables covered with money that a part of is to go to law enforcement.OPH