When to add more CFLs to seedlings?


Active Member
Currently have (3) 23w 6500k CFLS running. (it's a vanity light strip that holds 4 bulbs...I could have as many as 12 lights since I have 3 light strips in my rubbermaid box). My seedlings (2) are both sitting under 1 CFL w/the 3rd light in the middle of them. Bulbs are within an inch or two from the girls.

One girl (Royal Haze) is 3 days above soil, the other (Jamaican Dream) is 4 days above soil. The Royal Haze is not growing as fast as the other and this morning was bent over but overall looks healthy. Nothing more than first set of true leaves though. I propped her up w/toothpicks and watered (pH a little lower than 6.5) for the first time since I planted them (6 days ago...waited till soil was dry). Jamaican Dream is growing her second set of true leaves and looks great.

1. When do I add more light? I know CFLs are "weak" compared to other types of lighting, but I also know too much too soon isn't good either.

2. My box is lined w/Mylar so even if I have 6 lights and they're not all directly over the plants (when plants are smaller) are they still getting a benefit from the extra light?



Active Member
was reading up and from what ive been reading, the general rule is 100w for the first plant and an additional 50w for each plant after CFLs...


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that seedlings only need about 3000 lumens until they hit veg. A single 42w per seedling would be sufficient. Keep in mind that as distance is halved light intensity is quartered. To make it simple though keep all CFLs within 1-3 inches of the plants. If past that it really won't give much light. Don't get rid of it if it's only hitting 1 plant, but keep in mind that CFLs don't have the light penetration that HID lights do.