When to count the first week of flowering outside


Active Member
I have pistils on top. But no buds yert. I was told I am currently in "transition" stage. Where everything thing is getting woody. Do I count first week when buds start? I want to plan this out so I know when to start flushing.


Active Member
I am just wondering if when a seed bank type website lists flowering weeks, for example: 9/11, if that includes preflowering/transition? Just trying to make sure when to expect harvest, because in my region it can frost in early october, easily sometimes. So, since this has a possibility to occur, I would to be prepared with some tarp, large garbage bags, etc, whatever I may need for the given situation.

Don't mean to sound mean or anything, just never done this before.
Long time smoker, Long time Grower, First post in a forum ever... Ok im probably gonna get ripped for some of my post but i'll post it anyway.. 1st of let me just say the post above are correct.. The green house gives you those numbers just as a guidline.. What you wanna do is get a good 25x magnafign glass and look at your pistils (the little white hairs comming from around the buds) When your plant is ready to harvest they will start to turn an amberish brown, Not just the tips but when about 80% of the hair is amber. Ok now for the part im gonna get ripped for. The stage most people call preflower is rubbish. It's actualy the start of the flowering stage. Unless you plan on breeding plants and producing your own seeds then treat this time as such. Continue to Use veg nuets untill you have pistils on your cola (tops of plant) and 50% of your side shoots. Then stop with the veg nuets and start giving it bloom nuets. Once your pistils show like stated above it's normaly anywhere from 8-12 weeks untill harvest. It depends on the strain your growing and the enviornment there growing in.. I've had hydro go from pistils to harvest in 4 weeks but outside plan on 12 weeks from the time your pistils show.. So I would start flushing with straight water at week 10..
Mr Mike the perfect blend of indica and sativa is called A.M.S. Easy to grow, takes nuets well, Above average yeild and great flavor with a killer high

New Grower 420

Active Member
Long time smoker, Long time Grower, First post in a forum ever... Ok im probably gonna get ripped for some of my post but i'll post it anyway.. 1st of let me just say the post above are correct.. The green house gives you those numbers just as a guidline.. What you wanna do is get a good 25x magnafign glass and look at your pistils (the little white hairs comming from around the buds) When your plant is ready to harvest they will start to turn an amberish brown, Not just the tips but when about 80% of the hair is amber. Ok now for the part im gonna get ripped for. The stage most people call preflower is rubbish. It's actualy the start of the flowering stage. Unless you plan on breeding plants and producing your own seeds then treat this time as such. Continue to Use veg nuets untill you have pistils on your cola (tops of plant) and 50% of your side shoots. Then stop with the veg nuets and start giving it bloom nuets. Once your pistils show like stated above it's normaly anywhere from 8-12 weeks untill harvest. It depends on the strain your growing and the enviornment there growing in.. I've had hydro go from pistils to harvest in 4 weeks but outside plan on 12 weeks from the time your pistils show.. So I would start flushing with straight water at week 10..
you dont look for the pistils to turn amber lol you wait for the trichomes to turn milkey/amber the pistils will turn a brown/red/orange color and start to draw back in when ready to harvest.
When your plant is ready to harvest they will start to turn an amberish brown
if the pistils are starting to draw back in you've waited to long and the plant is using the thc in your buds to make food.. Im new to growing outdoors, im new to this form, but im not new to growing.. Its hard telling by the color of the trichomes.. Diff strains the trichomes are diff.. All strains the pistils are the same..
From Zeus's post you linked...
Now alot of people will tell you that you should harvest based on the colour of your trichomes. But (again, in my opinion) that is far too simplistic and there are too many variables to make that an effective strategy. I've made that point a million times before and i'm not going to re-hash it here,(maybe just a bit) but rest assured there is more to the picture than just trich colour.
what are the rules about posting other forum links in here.. Theres another good forum its run by people in amsterdamn that have degrees in canabis.. If the pistils are receeding into the plant then the plant is taking the thc from the buds and turning it into food.. Zeus may well be right about getting a better flavor letting it go longer but I promise peak thc percentage is right b4 the pistils start to receed. and thats backed up with scientific test not just a personal opinion..
Im not sure about posting the other forum in here since i just joined this one tonight, so I coppied and pasted from it.. When I find out for sure if i can post it in here i will be more then happy to share it with all of you, but in the meantime this is what it says..

The best way to tell if the plant is ready is to examine the bud. In the paragraphs below, the terms "pistal" and "stigma" refer to the white hairs in the center of the female bud. The term "calyx" refers to the pod that would surround the seed (were the plant to be fertilized). Many growers elect to pick each bud individually, as it reaches it prime.
"Buds are at their peak potency about one week after flower formation slows...Harvest the plants when about half the stigmas in the buds have withered... When the plants are left in the ground, the resinous qualities of the plant may become more apparent. The bracts and tiny leaves may swell in size...The resin content of these buds may be higher, [but] the grass will smoke more harshly than if the buds were younger when picked." Frank and Rosenthal Marijuana Growers Guide pg 289, pg 295.
"In the primordial calyxes the pistils have turned brown; however, all but the oldest of the flowers are fertile and the floral clusters are white...Many cultivators prefer to pick some of their strains during this stage in order to produce marijuana with a clear cerebral, psychoactive effect." Robert Connell Clarke Marijuana Botany, pg 140. "Eventually the pistils start to turn color from pale white to red or brown. When around 80% of the pistil hair has turned brown THC is at its peak percentage... When the glands have swelled and the pistil has receded into the false pod, the plant is using the THC in the bud to produce food" Ed Rosenthal, The Closet Cultivator, pg 100.