When To Flower? A Little Help

I have 8 strawberry cough and 8 OG kush font 8 straw 8 back og. My question is when do I start to flower them both, and are they big enough to flower now or should we take them a little longer in veg?


Well-Known Member
It's up to you really. You want mo betta buds so I would go 4-6 weeks veg unless they show signs of flowering sooner. Do a search on the forum too. There's a shitload of info about flowering time around here. Research is key.


Active Member
All depends on many factors... is space limited? Are you in a rush for a harvest? Minimum recommendation (besides a 12/12 from seed) is to allow the plant to grow to at least 12" and a minimum of 4 nodes. In most instances plants will grow 1-2x their height of entering 12/12. So if a plant gets put into flowering at 12" you can expect a plant to be anywhere form 24-36" in height at harvest.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with all above

and want to add that if you plan to keep them that close to one another, flower sooner. Good luck!


Active Member
Are these clones or from seed? If they are from seed, you should wait until alternating nodes appear before flipping. If you flip sooner, the plants will not flower until they are sexually mature (appearance of alternating nodes). Of course this means you are wasting 12 hours of light and growth time every day this happens. Those plants look great btw, but the tops do not seem to be alternating. If they are clones, none of this applies as they will be the same age as the donor plant and can be flipped whenever you want, just remember the stretch they can go through. They do seem to be quite close together so if you cannot separate them a little, flipping sooner may be your best option. Green mojo on its way. W