when to harvest??


2012-08-01_19-42-09_769.jpg2012-08-01_19-42-26_274.jpg2012-08-01_19-42-30_712.jpg2012-08-01_19-44-47_887.jpg2012-08-01_19-45-25_481.jpg2012-08-01_19-46-46_459.jpg day 72 sour d.took some with the HPS on and after iturned the HPS off. anybody have a good idea when i should cut her down? i was going to wait till Saturday.


Active Member
Yeah thats not a bad idea, shes looking pretty ripe. You could probly do another week but it depends on what kind of high/smoke you prefer. Looking great though, good job.


if im going to wait until next week should i feed it some nutes? I've been only giving it water hoping it would be done saturday but if i can go another week, shyt why not lol


Active Member
I would deff go another week. Little bit of molasses could pack some sugar on there. If anyway possible lower the temps more than normal for nightime hours for the last 3 days. Should do ya justice. Looks like some tasty smoke. Grow on bub