When to move sprouts outside?


Active Member
First Time Grower Here....I germed my seeds in a paper towel and then planted each one in a plastic cup with Fox Farm Oceans Forest Soil....after about 48 hours I have little babies popping up through the soil. Right now I have the cups on the window sill getting good light throughout the day. My question is how long can I keep the plants on the sill in the cups, as my plan is to eventually grow outdoors? Or should I just go ahead and transfer them into their pots outside right away? Right now its in the 70's here, but should be in the 80's everyday by Easter. Also we are getting about 12 hours of sunlight a day. Don't want to rush them outside or hurt the roots by removing from the cups too soon. Thanks for your help!


New Member
you can transplant them outside now! you just dont want your plants to freeze frost will kill them i grow indoors but when i do grow outdoors i put them out when the low stays in the 40`s through out the night and anywhere from 50`s - 70`s in the day thy will grow just fine of course everyone has there own opinon about it but for a FACT they will grow outside with early spring temps. in the 40`s at night and 50`s - on up during the day! but frost will kill them just make sure you have nomore mornings that it might frost! peace out