When to separate male plants??


So I wanted to know when to separate male plants from the others? I want to harvest the male pollen and discard them afterward. Should I put them in a separate room to flower so I can collect pollen? Or is the pollen around the house too jeopardizing to my females to be worth it?


Active Member
remove them as soon as pollen sacks show or you could be risking pollination. yes having the pollen in your house is jeopardizing you entire operation. store it in an air tight container. if you keep them in a separate tent with a carbon filter it should be ok.


Well-Known Member
i planted a male out in the woods this spring and forgot about him. came back mid summer to all the pollen i could want! you might still have enough decent weather left for the pollen sacs to mature if you stick him outside somewhere, all depends on where you live. that would be the safest bet i'd think.


Well-Known Member
Unless you want all your bud to be seedy get males out of the house pronto.

In the past I have kept one male for pollination of just one branch - kept him in a small pot so he stayed small. He went in my downstairs garden, the girls are on the roof. Still got a fair few unintentional seeds.


Unless you want all your bud to be seedy get males out of the house pronto.

In the past I have kept one male for pollination of just one branch - kept him in a small pot so he stayed small. He went in my downstairs garden, the girls are on the roof. Still got a fair few unintentional seeds.
Damn good to know...