when to start giving flowering nutes?


hey everyone i have 1 plant flowering right now right now for about a week when is it a good time to start giving it nutes(growing in soil)?


Well-Known Member
i start the transition from veg nutrients to flower nutrients at the time of light changes or first sign of clustering of pistils and/or calyxs'. make sure you do some sort of a transition and not a hard change from one to the other. when the plants are starting to flower they still need the proper amounts as if they were in veg. slow changes have always worked best for me.


i start flowering nutes about a week after i switch to 12/12. the plants need nitrogen during the stretch period.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Aeviaanah has the right idea. You want to start the flowering nutes as soon as you switch to 12/12. The sudden influx of Potash will help encourage the plant to start growing flowers.


Well-Known Member
After they go into my bloom room I start feeding with bloom nutes. I do have a transition schedule and they get more bloom nutes as they progress in the following weeks. I also use additives throughout the flowering cycle.