when to start HPS/


Active Member
What is popular opinion on when to switch to HPS from MH...

first day of 12/12?

After a week? Two?

The thought being that if the plant sees a switch of light hours AND spectrum it might freak out and think is late...going male or hermie.

Brick Top

New Member
While neither an MH or HPS light spectrum would be perfect either one can be used throughout the entire cycle of growth for marijuana plants, though with less than an optimal overall result. Because of this I tend to not believe that changing from a MH light spectrum right to a HPS light spectrum without some period of adjustment will in any way shock marijuana plants.

When growing indoors I have always switched from a MH light spectrum directly to a HPS light spectrum while during the down hours, the sleepy time, and when doing so my plants have never shown any signs of shock and have instead always taken off faster than an Ethiopian who just heard there is a free all you can eat steak and lobster buffet in the neighboring village.

Others may believe otherwise.