when to stop nutes

hi peeps,
after a shit load of looking around via google and various forums im still no clearer on when to stop giving my plants nutes, from what ive read that its anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks. is it a strain specific thing or nutrient specific? or is it just a personal preference thing? whats the worst case and best case scenario?
any help from experienced growers would be greatly appreciated as im just a humble newbie and is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
at least 2 weeks before harvest and flush with unsulphered black strap molasess and water.,.,two teaspo0ns of mol. to a gal. i like to warm up water on stove or other method so the molases is dissolved evenly.,.,this will swell,and sweeten buds
ive read about adding molasess,im from england and dont think it as common here as it is there as ive never seen it. do you think sugar would have the same effect?
also arent my buds still growing and so needing nutes or will they still grow without,cos 2 weeks is a lot of growing surely?
thx for a quick reply


Well-Known Member
You really want to go with your nute schedule and your strain. 2 weeks prior to harvest. plants will store nutes and then use them while you are flushing. use molassas in soil not hydro.


Well-Known Member
People that only flush for 3 days (that's the minimum) are aided through their use of some flushing product (Final Phase/Final Flush).


Well-Known Member
ive read about adding molasess,im from england and dont think it as common here as it is there as ive never seen it. do you think sugar would have the same effect?
You should be able to find it in a baking supply shop. It works well. Gives the plants and soil some carbs, iron and other beneficial micros while the plant finishes. Yes the last 2 weeks there is some growth, but mostly just filling out. In general weeks 4-6 or 7 during flowering has the biggest growth spurt. Thats when to add a bit more N to your feeding then. But it varies from strain to strain.


Active Member
Make sure you let your buds go long enough instead of guessing. I usually wait until the triches start turning amber and then suspend nutes for 1-2 weeks depending on how far I want to take the buzz. Best advice is to experiment and come up with your own recipe for tasty bud.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you let your buds go long enough instead of guessing. I usually wait until the triches start turning amber and then suspend nutes for 1-2 weeks depending on how far I want to take the buzz. Best advice is to experiment and come up with your own recipe for tasty bud.
Good advice 'Winder.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
CarboLoad from AN is the only product I know of that could replace the molasses.

And my understanding is that molasses does not make buds taste sweeter, it just fattens them up.


Well-Known Member
CarboLoad from AN is the only product I know of that could replace the molasses.

And my understanding is that molasses does not make buds taste sweeter, it just fattens them up.
Right. Does not 'add sugar' or 'sweeten the bud' Just adds some of the right things in soil (feeding your little beneficials) so the salt bonds are broken down and release the last of the food from the soil. Lets the plants finish and do what it needs too do.


Well-Known Member
Try using Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients, but you always want to end with 1 week of water only, so maybe 1 week with final phase and then 1 week with water only.
I think you'd want to reverse that. 1 week just water and 1 week Final Phase. My understanding is that Final Phase/Flush products induces the plants roots (somehow) to pull all (maybe not all, all) the nutrients from the plant and into the roots. The first week of just water should help the plant use up the existing nutes in the tissue of the plant, and then in the last week use Final Phase to pull out any remain nutes. Otherwise if you use Final Phase first, all the nutes will get pulled into the roots, then the next week of just water they will move back up into the plant. That's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
but im using hydro systen
You'd definitely be able to use CarboLoad in a hydroponic system (it comes in liquid and solid forms - liquid form being specifically for hydro). I thought I've even heard people using molasses in a hydroponic system, although you'd want to make sure it was completely dissolved into the water before you add it to your reservoir. Look into it a little more before you dismiss it entirely.