When to tell between a Male and a Female ?


Well-Known Member
Hello my Friends . I have 4 Cookies n Cream f3 , needing to tell male and female , Their about 3 weeks old , heres a pic. of one 4th node than 5th Photo on 11-20-19 at 7.02 PM.jpg,
Photo on 11-20-19 at 7.02 PM.jpgPhoto on 11-20-19 at 7.02 PM.jpgPhoto on 11-20-19 at 7.02 PM.jpgPhoto on 11-20-19 at 7.02 PM.jpgIMG_6829.JPGIMG_6830.JPG
You can induce a hormonal response with stress...any stress but light stress and temperature stress seem to have the most affect

In a sense you are triggering a seasonal photoperoid hormone response...

Winter is coming and your plants want kids
Still too soon. But males tend to show sign before female at aroud week 6 from seeds and they will not produce pollen on first first flowers and it can take longer for male flower to start devlopping. After 8 weeks you'll have many nuts showing. And you can safly assume that its a male and remove them. Some male take longer then other to show signs. Some female may show sign once it get bigger and bushier. They will show manly one calix per bud site to show maturity and readiness to flower. But has long has they stay in vedge it will not flower or release pollen. 3 days into flower any doubtful plant budding site will began to so white hair. Male will just bulk up on the nuts.. So when not sure if mal or female juste proceed like they are female. If you wanta clear concience just take a cutting and put it into flowering you will know with in a few days of long darness. Just remember to label the cuting and the pkant ut came from. This way you din't get mixed up.
Thats an imature preflower and it dosent show sex (mire than often female).

The best advice is to flower her or wait till a hundred pre flowers show up first save you guessing.

Mother nature requires patience :-)
Thats an imature preflower and it dosent show sex (mire than often female).

The best advice is to flower her or wait till a hundred pre flowers show up first save you guessing.

Mother nature requires patience :-)
How about this one ? I just took this , their about month or so old 5th node ,
Photo on 12-1-19 at 6.44 PM.jpgPhoto on 12-1-19 at 6.47 PM.jpg The other 3 aren't showing nothing as of yet
When you see balls growing and they are into veging modes they are most likely male. Fast flowering male are used in breeding purpose to fasten flowering time. If you want to make sure you put it in a flowerind cycle. After a few days it will be more pronouce. If there us no pistil after a few days flowering. Then its no female or a new branch.then you can put it back into vedging. A few days won't change much of developpement especially if timing isen't an issue. A male will take a while to flower. Here is a male flower. Sorry for the image its best i could do with cellphone. I know its a male. Becaus i've been waiting a few week for pollen to drop so i could make seeds with its sibling and cut back to a smaller size


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Possibly the most left facing one is male but observe the amount of weird looking oreflowers posted over the years and apply more patience.

Something is stirring but still too early dude and only amatures judge stuff based on guesses, pros wait for perfect flowers or pollen sacs of which you still have not got to such a stage.

Nature is a bitch, only patience can beat her tricksy ways :-)
Possibly the most left facing one is male but observe the amount of weird looking oreflowers posted over the years and apply more patience.

Something is stirring but still too early dude and only amatures judge stuff based on guesses, pros wait for perfect flowers or pollen sacs of which you still have not got to such a stage.

Nature is a bitch, only patience can beat her tricksy ways :-)
Yeah always wait a few weeks. Pollen sac takes as much time to relase its pollens as flowering femelle take to show significant flower bud sites and there will be lots of cluster of mal flower before to do so. The first pollen drop is often sterile but plant should be separetaed before reaching this point. Which takes consirebal time. When you see that same nodes showing multiple nuts and no pistil and you are still into vegetation. You'll know. Male flower starts developping into vegetative states to have iys pollen ready for female polination. And you should have a good 2-3 weeks to remove them into flowering
Oh yer solid info, theres no rush :-)

Yeah always wait a few weeks. Pollen sac takes as much time to relase its pollens as flowering femelle take to show significant flower bud sites and there will be lots of cluster of mal flower before to do so. The first pollen drop is often sterile but plant should be separetaed before reaching this point. Which takes consirebal time. When you see that same nodes showing multiple nuts and no pistil and you are still into vegetation. You'll know. Male flower starts developping into vegetative states to have iys pollen ready for female polination. And you should have a good 2-3 weeks to remove them into flowering
Not to go against the grain or anything, but it is entirely possible to tell the sex through preflowers alone. I cant tell from your pictures but I routinely sex my plants by the preflowers, long before clusters or actual flowers. Only thing is that it is not as exact as sexing through just waiting longer or putting them under 12/12. Sometimes the preflowers just dont match what you'd expect (but typically you can find preflowers at a different node or a few days later that will tell the sex). I use the same magnifying loupe I use to check for bugs, to look at preflowers. You can find examples of male vs female preflowers on google. Differences are there, but generally if you aren't sure, w8 a few days and look again.
Some of my own examples of male vs female using a loupe. I typically check the plants every other day once I see the preflowers starting.

Pic 1. Female pic2. Female pic 3. Male
The white hair in first pic, tell tale female.
Notice the boy is short and squat compared to the girls? They are the same age etc but the differences are pretty easy to see. As you get experienced looking, it gets easier. A great suggestion I was given at first was to do a couple crops and watch the preflowers, mark the one I think are male. Then I would do the clone/flower route to sex then and compare to my notes. After about 20 or so plants, I feel quite confident in sexing through preflowers.

This pics are long before I could've made these details out by eye. Using my camera magnifier attachment for my phone (I think its 30x or so)(purchased online).
