When to transfer to Bubbleponics


I have built a DIY bubbleponic and am confused to when I should transfer the plant onto the system, once germinated I was going to put the plant into rock wool and place in a hydro pot, would I then place the pot onto the bubbleponic system so the bottom of the hydro pot is touching the water? Or do I let it grow in the pot for a few days then place in the system once the roots have exposed themselves out of the rock wool.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
I started my seeds in the rockwool they sprouted in 2 days, keeo the drip lines up against the outside of the rockwool just enough water to keep it damp, when the roots hit the wateryou can remove the water pump and drip lines. Keep the water level a couple of inches lower than the bottom of the pots it will make the roots work for the water... Once the roots hit the water look out they're gonna start really growing !! I'm using over a gallon of water a day for 4 plants !! I'm about day 40 or so from seed.... Good luck keep your eye on Rosemans tutorial --lots of great tips there ...

Illegal Smile

You should consider the approach outlined in the link below. Many DWC growers at riu have used it for years.