When you get in bed with the devil


Well-Known Member
I haven't checked my stores email for a while but saw this email from one of my suppliers. This is what happens when you get in bed with Hawthone. Sucks for these guys as they distributed GH for loooong time and were the first to really bring in Sunlght products into Canada. This is not the first time Hawthone has done this.

As of October 1, 2022, ************** Wholesale will no longer be a part of Hawthorne Gardening Canadian distribution network and will no longer have access to any of its exclusive brands. Naturally, we are surprised and shocked at this abrupt decision. Unfortunately, however, public corporations often act swiftly and dispassionately.

With great pleasure, we look back and honour the legacy of ************** Wholesale distributing General Hydroponics products in Canada. Over 25 years ago, our parent company,************* *************** and **************ply were the first to bring the General Hydroponics line into Canada. In these early days, we truly enjoyed working with Larry Brookes and his staff at General Hydroponics to promote his products in Canada. We are proud that our hard work propelled this line forward in Canada.

************** Inc. is a service-driven company. This year has challenged our industry, and we are committed to supporting our customers. We assure you we will continue to provide quality and unique products that align with your needs.

We will sell and service all Hawthorne products we have in stock until September 30, 2022. Unfortunately, we have had very little communication from Hawthorne on warranty service. We will let you know how to proceed with warranty claims beyond that date as soon as possible.

We wish the new Hawthorne distribution partner’s the best of luck.
I don't know anything about this particular situation, but regardless of the fact that I've been seeing it my whole fucking life, it still baffles me that people treat each other the way they do. I know that sounds super hippy dippy. I don't mean that we should all love each other. But a little more consideration would go a long way
I don't know anything about this particular situation, but regardless of the fact that I've been seeing it my whole fucking life, it still baffles me that people treat each other the way they do. I know that sounds super hippy dippy. I don't mean that we should all love each other. But a little more consideration would go a long way

This supplier is who got Sunlight supply into western Canada before anyone. Howthrone moved in and started to buy up other suppliers and manufacturers along with Hydrofarm. The were trying to lock the stores into only buying from them because legalization was going to make them billions lol So now they just cut off one of the oldest hydro suppliers in Western Canada from a lot of products they sold. Bacially fucking their whatever meager sales they had from any hydro stores that is still running and hasn't closed down yet.
So for clarification. This Hawthorne outfit cut off a company because the company carried other manufacturers items? If that
's the case it sucks. Maybe not quite the same, but it's reminiscent of Long & McQuade buying out all the Mom and Pop music stores all across Canada.
So for clarification. This Hawthorne outfit cut off a company because the company carried other manufacturers items? If that
's the case it sucks. Maybe not quite the same, but it's reminiscent of Long & McQuade buying out all the Mom and Pop music stores all across Canada.

No they carried/distributed Hawthorn products but Hawthorn just told them you got till Oct and we weill no longer sell you our items. In the meantime Hawthrorn also bought out lots of lighting, nutrients and other maanufacturers so some smaller suppliers can't carry them anymore or had to get them from them, same thing Hydrofarm did.
Capitalism is great in the beginning, but eventually leads to a "Highlander" type of scenario where there can be only one. You can grow great cannabis without alot of the junk I see being marketed to our community.
What a shit show for all involved. We were all SO much better off before legalization imo. And also imo it's gonna get worse for the common smoker. Some of them won't even know it though.
This ^ support the little guy. Either grow your own or buy it from someone who spent time in jail for cultivation. These posers taking over the industry trying to become the Walmart of weed can be destroyed if we refuse to buy their commercial kind bud. There was no HPVLD epidemic until these greedy son of a bitches started throwing money around and exporting diseased shit to small independent cultivators. And this whole "kill your mother plants" makes me suspicious as hell.
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Hawthorne is practically Monsanto, they are basically BFF's.

Well at this point both Hawthorne and Hydrofarm are parasites that came into Canada and one set up their own shop (Sunlight Supply) and Hydrofarm bought out Eddies wholesale and then Greenstar bescailly reducing competiton in the whoesale market. They they proceeded to start buying out US and Candian hydro companies to be under their umbrellas. They then started to control which left over suppliers can sell their new acquired products. Hydrofarm was the lesser of the two evils.
Well at this point both Hawthorne and Hydrofarm are parasites that came into Canada and one set up their own shop (Sunlight Supply) and Hydrofarm bought out Eddies wholesale and then Greenstar bescailly reducing competiton in the whoesale market. They they proceeded to start buying out US and Candian hydro companies to be under their umbrellas. They then started to control which left over suppliers can sell their new acquired products. Hydrofarm was the lesser of the two evils.
Sunlight Supply started in Washington, Vancouver I think. and every light I bought from them are still running. I have 14 year old t5 fluorescents that still work perfectly, whereas I have a pile of Vivosun garbage t5s piling up in my basement. I'm lucky if the fixture lasts a year and the bulbs last a month. But I'm sure since Hawthorne bought them Sunlight Supply are just one more shit product made in China with what was once a reputable and reliable AMERICAN company's name on the outside. I'll be honest I have never liked Hydrofarm. Not in 1989 and not now. Always trying to cash in on growers.
Doesn't Hawthorne own or a part of Bontanicare?

Yes they own Botanicare, General Hydroponics, CYCO, Gavita, Titan Controls and many other companies. They have a hands off approach and continue to let the companies they acquire operate mostly independently.

Hawthorne is a subsidiary of Scotts. It was basically setup as their arm into the cannabis market. They have a large complex in Vancouver Wa in the industrial zone at the Port of Vancouver.
