Whenever I smoke now I get a wicked headache...


Well-Known Member
Does that ever happen to anyone else?...I find it is worse with my vape, than when I use a bong, and a joint is just as bad...is it possible that after daily use a few times a day for a couple of years has given me some kind of sensitivity? Sucks yo...I don't want to quit...but I can't very well keep smoking it...feels like I am getting a tumor...


Well-Known Member
I feel like perhaps reducing my whole stash into edibles...but I hate the way everything I make with weed in it tastes...like chewing on the damn leaves...lol.


Well-Known Member
I gave up MJ about 20 years ago. I started drinking about 5 years ago, but lately, it just makes me feel like shit instead of something "good". Sometimes our bodies tell us "take a break" or "quit". Listen, I say.


Well-Known Member
Does that ever happen to anyone else?...I find it is worse with my vape, than when I use a bong, and a joint is just as bad...is it possible that after daily use a few times a day for a couple of years has given me some kind of sensitivity.
I get headaches all the time from smoking, nothing serious, and usually has something to do with what I am doing while smoking (or how I am smoking), eg, pulling a bong and using the computer can cause whamming headaches.

Just remember, when you are smoking you are depriving yourself of clean oxygen at the same time. No surprise, it will eventuate into a headache, especially if done in excess (which I do a lot of).


Active Member
what kinda of weed are you smoking? is it something you grew? do you know the source and the way it was grown?...

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The only time I get a headache from smoking weed is when I'm comin' down with something. Colds, flus or even a track infection can cause this. I got a remedy but I can't share that info.


Well-Known Member
whose green you smoking?

well this could be the cluprit but i can happen should you be smoking your own stuff, did you forget to flush? or water a good amount of plain water at the end? does your weed sparkle and crackle? if this is the case you got N in the leaves and its giving you a headache.

im a firm believe in "you dont have to flush" but people overdo it with hydro nute or even organic nutes and not flushing at the end, it can cause a harsh headache inducing smoke, done it to myself before.


Well-Known Member

I have some more ideas for what might be causing my issues...

I could in fact be sick, I have been feeling poorly for what feels like forever...

the headaches feel very much like tension headaches...

The bag for my vaporizer is ridiculously dirty...I have a new one though so I am going to try changing it and see if that helps...

And in reply...

It is my own grown
I don't drink coffee and feel like I have a usual amount of stress
I might be getting sick...
I don't flush per se, but my plants are pretty underfed, especially towards the end...and never been caused the headaches previously...
The headaches feel like tension headaches...
Ya know what? I am going to go put in my contacts in case it is eye strain, because the headaches feel pretty tension related.


Well-Known Member
lol its the contacts whenever i smoke with my glasses on or go to drive and put them on i get wicked headaches. i was gonna say, i know you dont be overfeeding missnu. it was just a guess, ive bought some crap homegrown b4 off other people and its given me a killer headache.


Well-Known Member
smoking the nitrogen-

huh? that's funny. mold spores will also be known to cause severe headache in some. call it an allergic reaction.


Well-Known Member
what i said about the N is true, one of the few mobile elements in a plant, one of the reasons we harvest at night or early morning.

nd mold spore headaches? i suppose its possible. no need to follow me around troll me now, i just hate stupid ass threads with a bunch of shit talk, i got nothing against you.


Well-Known Member
same here-

mold is one of the most common allergies next to dust.

the most common thing it does is give headaches.

as for the N. i don't believe there is much of it in the buds. it gets transported to the leaf for photosynthesis. the nasty in the bud is SUGAR. and is due to improper cure methods.

unless i am completely in the dark on this. your plant would burn up before there would be so much n in the buds. i have never seen buds "burnt" from n the way leaves are. i have smoked bud that tasted just like a spoon full of burning table sugar.


Well-Known Member
i never get headaches. one time i got a crushing headache after smoking some new weed that lasted about 5 minutes. i thought it was laced with something or i was dying. i was scared as shit to smoke it again. i had bought a half ounce so there was no way i wasn't smoking it so i sacked up, toked later in the day and never had that problem ever again.