Where am I? Not sure how far along I am with this...


Active Member
good1.jpggood.jpgSo this female plant has been growing for 4 months now, About 3 weeks ago The plant started looking like what you see here...with very little changes taking place. I heard that the flowering stage could take a bit, but since this is my first plant, I was wondering if anyone knew how far along I was with the flowering portion...
I was worried that with fall already here, that this plant wpould not get enough sunlight, and that I may have to supplement it with indoor lights. Any suggestions??


Active Member
Looks like a little over or under watering stress. Those leaves should not be drooping like that, so if you have been watering it a lot, you need to cut back. If you have not watered it in a few days, then you need to do so. Both stresses look very similar.

Also, that plant is a juvenile. It may be flowering, but just barely, so you have at least 5 weeks, perhaps more ahead of you depending on whether this plant is a sativa or indica dominant. If the plant is getting direct light for 5 or more hours, then that is enough for it to continue to grow.

The biggest issue for you is going to be temps if this plant is outside. You will need to move it indoors at night to keep it from getting killed by the cold night time temperatures.

Hope I helped!


Active Member
I am not sure of the strain, but I will breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I have 5 more weeks at least. I was worried that it was just not developing correctly...