where have all the good deals gone?


New Member
This old man is finally sittin on a little spendin dough I'm lookin to pick up a 600w hps but jesus I can't seem to find one that won't brake me. And since when are cooltubes 80usd? Anyway I'm looking for a full 600w lighting kit shipped for under 200 I know they're out there I just can't seem to find one. Ill go cl if I have to I would just rather. Not


Well-Known Member
geez , i would really like to get 600 watt myself for that price .are they good ones for that price .htg supply has them for $200 + s/h or $250 with both hps/mh+s/h. i was thinking about buying from them. for alittle less than $300 i can get one with a aircooled hood, only hps though but i can just buy the mh conversion bulb.


Well-Known Member
This old man is finally sittin on a little spendin dough I'm lookin to pick up a 600w hps but jesus I can't seem to find one that won't brake me. And since when are cooltubes 80usd? Anyway I'm looking for a full 600w lighting kit shipped for under 200 I know they're out there I just can't seem to find one. Ill go cl if I have to I would just rather. Not
you might be able to get a 1000w used for that price, but im sure you wont find a 600 for any where near that. simply because 600w lamps are the ones in high demand right now, so of course the prices rise so f***ing high.........

you might be able to find one close to that here, this is my local hydro shop, yes they ship to the states. http://www.auroralighting.ca/
600 Watt High Pressure Sodium Kit $269.95 CAD

1000 Watt High Pressure Sodium Kit $227.95 CAD. the metal halide is $199.99


Well-Known Member
so what happened to lighting setup that you built . i ask cuz i am a cheapskate . well i also wonder if they are still goin strong or do you just need more light?


New Member
Good question. See when I built it I didn't consider cold starts and the fact that my room never tops 68. So I am loving the ones I made however having to un plug the cooling fanfor an hour so the bulb can get warm enough to fire is getting old. I will rebuild it soon but yes in short grumpy erk is lookin at goin big here soon. Just wanna start collectin shit now.