Where to Get a Good Relatively Cheap Vape? Maybe 60-80 Bucks


Well-Known Member
mine broke a few months back and ive been wanting to get one. im wondering if anyones got tips on finding a good one, as i dont know much about what makes it good or bad


Well-Known Member
check this one out...http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&pq=box+vape&xhr=t&q=digital+vaporizer&cp=11&qe=ZGlnaXRhbCB2YXA&qesig=HAos2SWg-KrJ_hQ8EawLxQ&pkc=AFgZ2tlnpq2P1IwgOya-_YrV__b_RRniF02GcXRHRSAsB50ffkI1AYxxI1lSfvstes59oOPdwCQZwS8uNrPzKr7Zu1oCu_zG0g&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=12976901311060119253&sa=X&ei=rB-vTcTCLc6htwfu2_ndAw&sqi=2&ved=0CEAQ8wIwAw#..
i use this one and it vapes very well...had it about a year so far and no problems...never overheats....has a variable degree setting...and its digital....for the price you cant beat it...and its about the cheapest vape out there...hope this helps...ganja

not that it really matters...but mine is just plain woodgrain box, it doesnt have the dice and all on it, not that theres anything wrong with that...lol...just not my style

heres the one i have...images (2).jpg


Active Member
i wouldn't trust any cheap vape. Get a quality vape for around $100 - $130

Whip/box Style Hotbox

I'm not saying that ganjaluva's vape won't work but i wouldn't vape out of it due to i don't know who made it. It could have legit parts or it could have shit that could kill you, you just don't know.