Where to mount my lights? 9.5x12x6.7 2000w


I'm putting together my flower room right now and trying to figure out the best place to mount my 2 1000w lights.

The room is 12.5ft long and 9.5ft wide. The height of the room is rather limited, at around 6.7ft. My hoods are 8.25" tall, not including the triangle hangers. The problem I see is, if the lights were mounted directly to the ceiling(concrete) that would leave me with 6' below the lights, which isn't much considering they can't be brought too close to the light.

This made me think about alternative mounting locations. Would mounting the lights in the corners of the room or on opposing walls at the ceiling be a good idea?


You have to keep in mind that a 1000w light covers a 4x4 foot area. If you cram the lights in the corner, you are lighting the walls, not your grow. If you are growing in dirt with pots sitting on the ground, you have more than enough room. If you are growing hydro and your tray or whatever is a couple feet off the ground, you have to make sure you don't let the plants get too big before you flower them - maybe max 12".


Well-Known Member
it's easier to move the lights than the plants...you could get some of those concrete inserts and drill and mount chains or yoyo's\slide locks...