where to put my green house?


Well-Known Member
Its small, 6x8x10 and i have 8 plants in it which fill the entire thing up. I got it for $100 off a friend cause our weather outside sucks. Other day it was 80 an sunny to thunderstorms and prouring rain which damaged them alittle.

in the current picture location they get 9 hours of sunlight direct. In the oposite side of yard they will get maybe 6 hours direct light but not be seen from my driveway and wont be right along my neighbors fence who is outside giving me stink eye while i was putting it up.

finally, i am a cardholder and this is only 8 of 24 im allowed so dont feel like its a big deal.

what are your thoughts, opinions... they are in week 1 flower and just showing white hairs. As a final note my girlfriend thinks too noticeable and doesnt want it there cause she doesnt realize what direct sunlight does for them.



Active Member
Ya def go for more light, especially if you are doin it legally. If you are worried about it being seen from the road, just plant a huge bush/tree to block the view (if it doesnt block the sun).


Well-Known Member
This is my driveway view... not too bad IMO , need others thoughs

also, my yard is only one with a raised porch in back so i can see an above view into everywhere an everyone else can only see from ground level so pretty much like the picture in this post view.



Well-Known Member
Hey Ricky6991! I'm digging the tent; pretty cool. I'm thinking you should watch how the sun spreads in your yard and place it as close to the fence as you can while also giving it as much light as you can. I can see straight though that tent so I wouldn't make it a prize in the center of your yard. If there's a side that doesn't receive direct sunlight, I would put it right against the fence, maybe apply white paint to the section that the tent is touching. GL mang, looks good!


Well-Known Member
yup, its tiny... but need it for now... ill put an osc. fan in it an leave it on 24/7 but its already pretty crouded.