Where's the snow!!!


Well-Known Member
its all in new mexico!!! haha we've had 5 snow storms just in December probly snowed 7-8 times total. still snow on the ground from storm a week and a half ago and this is in valley not mountains. we had 1'2" WTF it's suppose to be warm here. coldest it's gotten so far -2. last year got -36 broke the record


Well-Known Member
si hombre hace frio!!! actually it's been a shit ton warmer lately haha I'm white iv just picked up alot living here a couple years

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Thank all that's holy I live in the Four Corners area. We were spared the brunt of the storms. It's 26 right now. I think Grants got down to -4 last night.


Well-Known Member
ya didn't even get below freezing last night only 35 nice change from highs in the high 20's to low 30's and lows in single digits. got 50 yesturday it was blazin!!!


Well-Known Member
ya I'm glad it's starting to finally make some of the snow melt. getting tired of there being a foot of snow on the ground for a couple weeks